Club members must be Owners or Renters at Roadhaven. League play is Monday – Friday at 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm. Teams are allowed 2 hours during the regular season to complete 3 games. League play begins in January and the Tournament ends early March with a March Banquet to announce and congratulate the winners. League Fees are currently $15 per person, per season, to play in the leagues.

The 2025 Bocce season will begin in January 2025 and will run for seven weeks. Tournament competition may be subject to weather conditions during regular league play. Volunteers are the heart of our membership.
Kudos to board members, the maintenance crews, the referees, the fundraising committee, and the captains who coordinate the communication with members. Thank you all. Spectators are welcome to come down and watch the League games at the Bocce Courts. If you are looking to play Bocce in the 2025 season and you do not have a team, complete the form using the link above for 2025 Bocce Individual or Couple Registration Forms. Depending on your choices on the form, you will be added to a list for Subs for regular play and/or a list to be provided to captains that have requested a list of those looking for a team.
The 2025 Bocce Season is expected to begin the week of January 13, 2025.
Bocce Ball Registration Meeting: 1/9/2025 1pm in Rec Hall followed by the General Membership Meeting
Bocce Ball Banquet: 3/23/2025 5:30pm in Rec Hall following the General Membership Meeting
Bocce Ball Fund Raiser Dance: 2/1/2025 in Rec Hall. Band will be Reign N Country.
Yes! Residents can play anytime EXCEPT on Tuesday 9-11 (ladies only), during league play (M-F 12-5) OR when maintenance is being done at the courts. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board.
Captains meet at the Rec Hall at the appointed game time. Team captains come up with a mutually agreed time to play. Games must be made up within 7 days.
Yes, Each team member present must play at least one game.
Call sub Co-ordinator Roberta Dorner at
780-863-9347. She will give you the next sub on rotation. DO NOT GET YOUR OWN SUB!
Yes, after the benches and equipment are placed in the storage sheds, there will be buckets containing balls available near the bulletin board. Without the scoring poles, get creative to keep track of points. Many use small rocks placed on the curbing for each team as scores are made.
Bocce League fees are $15.00 per player. They are paid to the captain on your team, who will submit them to complete final team registration after November 1, 2024.
Bocce Ball Board Meeting: 12/3/2024 11am – Green Room
Bocce Ball Board Meeting: 1/7/2025 11am – Green Room
Bocce Ball General Membership/Registration Meeting: 1/9/2025 – Rec Hall, Registration 1pm and Membership Meeting at 2pm
Bocce Ball Board Meeting: 2/4/2025 11am – Green Room
Bocce Ball General Membership Meeting: 2/5/2025 7pm – Rec Hall
Bocce Ball Board Meeting: 3/4/2025 11am – Poker Room
Bocce Ball General Membership Meeting: 3/23/2025 4pm – Rec Hall and Banquet at 5:30pm
Bocce Ball FundRaiser Dance: 2/1/2025 – Rec Hall