Roadie gives honest answers to complex questions from Roadhaven residents. Read the latest Dear Roadie letters below.


Water Leak Update - August 09

Howdy, friends!

My nest has been stuffed with letters regarding the water leak.

Here’s what Roadhaven has done so far:

1. Comprehensive Leak Inspections: We’ve checked for leaks in all homes and common areas within the affected section.
2. Valve Seat Checks: Conducted thorough inspections of valve seats in the affected areas.
3. Internal Water Meter Audits: We reviewed the past three years of data for all 13 internal meters managed by Roadhaven, looking for any irregularities or trends.

4. External Water Meter Audits: We audited the two external water meters in the affected area, which are managed by local water companies.

5. Overnight Lift Station Testing: Conducted overnight testing at our lift station near maintenance to detect any issues.

6. Irrigation Line Audit: We thoroughly inspected irrigation lines in the affected area.

7. Leak Detection for Water Features: We performed leak detection tests on all bodies of water in the area, including pools, spas, and fountains (note: ponds are not in the affected area).

8. Backflow Prevention: Of the two backflows in the area, one was replaced, and the other was tested and needs minor repairs that do not impact the usage and will be completed after this issue is resolved.

9. Meter Testing and Replacement: We replaced one of the meters near the northeast corner of the resort on Idaho and tested the meter on the southeast side of 16th Ave, which passed inspection.

10. Water Line Testing: We tested the 2″ line with the 6″ line turned off and vice versa, which could only be done during the off-season.

11. Ongoing External Audits: The AJ Water District is currently auditing the meter on 16th Ave.

Through these efforts, Roadhaven has discovered and repaired several small leaks that could have developed into more significant issues over time. We believe these steps have significantly mitigated the problem, and we’ll continue monitoring to ensure everything remains in good condition.

Until I have a final answer or more interesting update, I will not be answering any more Dear Roadie letters on the matter. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this complex matter.

I will be sure to update you.

Until then, fly high!

Dear Dill - Pickleball Complex

Dear Roadie,

A pickleball clubhouse would pair nicely with the proposed sports bar in the restaurant.

The area in front would be the perfect space required for a new pickleball facility. Clear out a few trees, re-home the mail boxes if needed and borrow a little space from parking on both ends. Maintain parking for golf carts and there could be enough space for up to 6 courts. What a great addition for our resort.


Dill Pickle

Dear Dill –
Thank you for your suggestion about the Pickleball clubhouse! The sports bar was proposed by a resident, and really just an idea floating in the wind. Roadhaven is still in the process of finding a contractor to run the restaurant. If they don’t find a suitable contractor, Roadhaven will engage the membership during the deciding phase of what will become of the Oasis space.

Currently, the Tennis, Shuffleboard, and Pickleball clubs are working together to find a solution that will make all three clubs happy with their locations in Phase I. In theory, this could include a clubhouse or social area, but we will have to wait and see what they come up with. Once these clubs have worked with the appropriate committees, their proposal plan will be presented to the membership for input.

The clubs must raise the funds independently or go to the membership to approve a special assessment. This expansion would not be paid for through Roadhaven Project funds or the approved annual budget.

In the interim, these clubs have recreational space for eating and visiting in Phase I.

I hate to be a downer but the changes you’re suggesting, as exciting as they are, would be costly and logistically challenging. Moving the mailboxes requires not only time and labor but finding a suitable place to relocate them. Additionally, parking is a valuable commodity here at Roadhaven; every space counts. Reducing parking to create a space that would draw even more people could lead to parking shortages and frustrations.

I appreciate your enthusiasm and ideas. Stay tuned as we continue to explore the best options for our community.


Dear Facts - Special Election Turnaround

Dear Roadie, 

I have a question about the petition and am asking for your expertise on the rules for the proposal. 

  • Can you clarify how the petition works? If all the petitions, we have heard 117, are approved. 
  • Is there a date when a vote would happen? 
  • Can the person who submitted the petition request when a vote would happen?
  • What would the cost be for the special election?
  • Who is paying for the special election? (What about dividing the cost among the folks who signed the petition?)
  • If the special election is successful, then what?
  • Lastly, if the petition were to pass, when would the new rule for HOA fees go into effect? 

Sincerely, Looking for the Facts.

Dear Facts, 
Per the current CC&Rs, an election or vote can be activated with a petition containing 100 valid property owner signatures. The petition in question was accepted with more than 100 valid signatures. 

The final number of property owners who signed is between 100 and 120. If someone owns multiple properties in Roadhaven, they can sign the petition for each property they own, so the final signature count may not reflect the exact number of individual residents who supported this petition.

Election Schedule
The schedule has been mailed to property owners. Key dates are as follows:

  • The deadline to sign up for electronic voting is July 12, 2024, at 12PM (MST).
  • Electronic ballots will be available on July 19, 2024.
  • When you sign up for electronic voting, Election Buddy will send a unique link to the email address you provided when signing up for electronic voting.
  • Paper ballots will be mailed on July 19, 2024.
  • The election will close at 12:00 PM (MST) on August 28, 2024.
  • Results will be announced on August 29, 2024, at 2:00 PM (MST) via email, the HOA Board page, and the Dear Roadie Facebook Group.

Voting and Petition Procedures
The resident who submitted the petition cannot request when a vote would happen. Legal guidelines dictate a summer special election because the petition was submitted during the off-season.

Special Election Costs
As of June 14, 2024, the special election has incurred costs of $12,793.64 for the HOA, with additional expenses expected. These costs include labor, legal fees, and supplies. The expenses are higher compared to a general election because many residents are away from Roadhaven. 

Who is paying? Can the cost be divided by those who signed?
No, the cost cannot be divided amongst those who signed it. All property owners will share these costs through general operating expenses.

Impact of the Amendment
If the amendment to the CC&Rs passes, it will not be retroactive, and the 20% HOA increase effective July 1, 2024, will still apply. The amendment would limit the annual budget increase to the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) plus 5%. A budget exceeding this would require membership approval through a vote. This does not mean property owners would vote on budget allocation. Roadhaven would still have the authority to make day-to-day decisions, prioritize projects, and purchase property, if applicable.

Potential Unintended Consequences
Implementing a budget limited to COLA plus 5% could result in several unintended consequences due to the unpredictable nature of COLA and the rising costs associated with maintaining and operating an HOA resort like Roadhaven. Here are some potential issues:

  1. Deferred Maintenance:
    • The cost of maintaining 40-year-old buildings and infrastructure often exceeds the rate of inflation. If the budget is limited to COLA + 5%, there may not be enough funds for necessary repairs, especially in cases of major infrastructure damage. This could lead to deferred/postponed maintenance, further deterioration, and higher costs over time.
  2. Reduction in Amenities and Services:
    • Rising costs for materials, contractors, and labor may exceed the allowable budget increase. This could necessitate cuts in services and amenities, such as reducing the frequency of landscaping, delayed maintenance, or scaling back community events, concerts, and activities.
  3. Staffing Challenges:
    • With operational costs increasing faster than the budget, the HOA may face difficulties in retaining and hiring staff. This could result in longer wait times for services, reduced office hours, and potentially eliminating positions such as overnight security shifts, impacting the overall safety and efficiency of the resort.
  4. Impact on Property Values:
    • If the resort’s amenities and maintenance standards decline, it could negatively affect property values. Potential buyers may be less interested in properties within a community that cannot adequately maintain its facilities and services.
  5. Budgeting and Voting Misalignment:
    • The need for membership approval for any expenses exceeding the budget limit could create delays in addressing urgent financial needs. The timelines for budgeting and organizing votes may not align with the immediate financial demands, leading to operational inefficiencies and potential service interruptions.

Board’s Recommendation
The Board’s role is to act in the best interest of the community. Directors have legal obligations to the Association and could face personal liability if these duties are violated. Therefore, the Board recommends voting against this amendment. However, the decision is ultimately up to the property owners, and all are encouraged to vote.

Resident Engagement
In the past, the Board has considered resident suggestions and made changes when possible. Residents are encouraged to engage with the Board through emails or appointments to discuss concerns and suggestions. Next season, Board members will offer office hours for direct communication.

Election Deadline
Whether you are for or against the amendment, it is important that you vote. The deadline to sign up for electronic voting is July 12, 2024, at 12 PM (MST). For questions about the electronic voting process or registration, please email and Sarah Lindsay will help you.

I hope that helps! I am off to splash around in the fountain. – Roadie.



I hope that helps! I am off to splash around in the fountain. – Roadie.

Dear Flooded - Building Tear Down

Dear Roadie, 

We have heard the 2 Zuni lots the resort owns are planned for constructing a new restroom/kitchen facility by the tennis/pickleball/shuffleboard courts because the current building is in a flood area.

1. Hasn’t that building always been a flood area?
2. How often has that area flooded?
3. Is there a major problem with the existing building?

Why would we consider tearing down a building and incurring large costs if it’s usable?

FEMA may say the building is in a flood zone but they don’t make you remove buildings.

What’s the facts on this building and the plans for the 2 Zuni lots?
Sincerely, Flooded

Dear Flooded –

Oh, boy! There are quite a few questions here, including a couple that are tucked within others. It seems that these waters are muddied with rumors. 

If you happened to swoop in on last season’s final Project and Planning Committee meeting, you heard our GM, Steve Byfield, mention that the area is in a flood zone but nothing that concerns FEMA. Those meeting minutes will be approved at the next meeting this coming season. 

No one is tearing down any buildings! That’s a rumor. 

Roadhaven is not considering tearing the buildings down at this time. The questions surrounding its teardown of the building are irrelevant as they are based on a rumor.

Shuffleboard, Tennis, and Pickleball clubs are working together to plan a space for all three clubs. We won’t know those plans until the clubs present something to all of us, including the membership. You can read more about this in my Dear Roadie letter, Dear Dill – Pickleball Complex.

The Zuni lots are ideally located near the Pickleball, Tennis, and Shuffleboard areas, and such prime land rarely becomes available. Although there are no current plans for development, Roadhaven decided to purchase the lots as a forward-thinking measure due to being landlocked. In the interim, these lots may be used for Workampers. I am excited for the future and thrilled to celebrate Roadhaven’s 42-second season with my fellow roadies.

‘Til then, stay dry! – Roadie.

Dear Free - Volunteering Qualifications

Dear Roadie, 
Questions on volunteering. When you volunteer for certain committees you have to fill out the form and provide your education, work history and be interviewed by Board liaisons. That process is like a job interview. Could this be why people more people don’t volunteer? 

We have volunteered for garden shed, street sweeping etc and never got a call back or been told they have enough volunteers. Something is wrong with the process if we are turning away volunteers.

Sincerely,  Free

Dear Free – 
Some committees do demand specific skills and experiences based on the committee’s function. Yes, applying for some committees can be similar to applying for a professional job, which sets the committee application process apart from other volunteer roles like gardening. 

For instance, the Finance Committee collaborates with the Board on budget-related matters and provides recommendations, requiring a skill set that isn’t necessary for the Library Committee or volunteering to plant flowers. Similarly, if a resident volunteered to drive the street sweeper and their Driver’s License was expired, they wouldn’t be eligible for that role.


Your willingness to volunteer is greatly appreciated. It’s unfortunate that you haven’t received a response in the past. I am sorry for that. I’ll bring this to Roadhaven’s attention and request improved communication from residents overseeing volunteer opportunities.


There’s an old saying in my family, “The early bird catches the worm”. I’d recommend signing up as early as possible since some volunteer positions may get filled quickly. It might also be helpful to offer your name as a backup, as sometimes volunteers may not be able to fulfill their commitments. I know there have been times when the right number of volunteers could not be found so be sure to keep an eye out.


Roadhaven offers a variety of clubs and groups for residents to join. Some of these groups engage in volunteer work and don’t seem to limit the number of participants. You might want to consider joining groups like Mats for the Homeless or Time-Out.


Thank you for your efforts, don’t give up.

Dear Listening - Petition to Petition

Dear Roadie,
Is the requirement to have a special vote on this petition a requirement of Federal or State guidelines? If not, could we petition to have all future petitions discussed and voted on during our general elections? This would seem to make more sense financially and for clarity and allowing all sides to have a voice. Was that you singing outside my door this morning? What a lovely song I woke up too.

Sincerely, Listening

Dear Listening –
My red feathers are blushing! I didn’t know anyone was listening. What a great question. Currently, Roadhaven’s governing documents do not specify deadlines, but state law requires the Board to act within a reasonable time. A petition submitted in the summer would have to be addressed during the summer. If the governing documents were amended, it could allow a petition submitted at any time to be voted on during the general election. However, I don’t think a petition is needed to make these changes. If you have a good idea, write to the Board and let them know! 

Next season, Board members will hold office hours during which you can share your thoughts. Roadhaven often makes changes based on resident feedback, so costly petitions aren’t necessary. Staying informed and communicating with the Board is crucial, and you can write to me or the Board anytime!

To reach Dear Roadie, fill out the form on

To reach the Board, email:

Fly high, friend! – Roadie.


Check back soon!

Dear Roadie's Interview with the Board

Check back soon!

Have you submitted a letter to Dear Roadie that hasn’t been published?
Because I am giving REAL answers with REAL numbers, It takes time to gather information from various departments, management, and the Board to provide you with accurate facts. I appreciate your patience, and I will respond as soon as possible.


Dear Clarity - 20% HOA Increase Math

Dear Roadie,
Regarding the 20% HOA Assessment increase, how much of a difference is the increase per month and quarter compared to what we are currently paying? I would like clarification on the numbers being thrown around.

Sincerely, Looking for Clarity

Dear Clarity –
The 20% increase means HOA assessment payments will be $46.67 more a month, or $140 more every quarter – effective July 01, 2024.

Every property owner, including Board members, pays HOA Assessments.

There are a lot of numbers out there but I assure you, this is correct and you can share these figures with your friends and family at Roadhaven.

See ya soon! – Roadie

Dear Considered - Special Assessment VS Fee Increase

Dear Roadie,
Question. Would we have been better off by having a one time assessment instead of raising the HOA by the whole 20%. As raising the HOA raises the cost for a buyer purchasing a home when they pay the capitol improvement fee. Do I understand that correctly? We bought April 2021 and paid $1,500 for the capitol improvement fee. It is now $3,360 which is more than double in just 3 years.

Sincerely, Considered

Dear Considered –
Thank you for your question and thank you for choosing Roadhaven Resort. I know you could have flown and made your nest anywhere. It’s understandable to be concerned about the increased costs associated with the HOA fee, which will rise by 20%, adding approximately $46 per month. However, there are several key reasons why a one-time assessment may not be the best solution for our community’s financial health.

A one-time assessment would address only the immediate financial needs without considering the ongoing and increasing costs of maintaining and operating our resort.

The same when considering a lower Capital Contribution fee. A lower fee won’t provide sufficient financial support for Roadhaven’s future. Management, the Board, and the Financial Committee need to plan ahead, considering the 20-year plan Roadhaven operates from. 

Arizona’s minimum wage increased from $13.85 to $14.35 on January 1, 2024. This change is a result of The Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act. Per Arizona Revised Statutes 23-363 B, the state’s minimum wage is subject to an increase on January 1st, of every year. This ongoing increase directly impacts the expenses for both Roadhaven and its contractors. Additionally, the costs of goods, services, maintenance, and supplies are rising, often outpacing inflation.

Roadhaven’s buildings and infrastructure, now over 40 years old, require increasing maintenance. Much like us, things tend to need more care as they age. The rising costs of repairs and upkeep are driven by global price increases, a trend that has accelerated since COVID-19. Roadhaven’s CC&Rs mandate that we keep buildings, common areas, and amenities well-maintained and safe. We must also consider unplanned and emergency expenses. These obligations incur ongoing expenses that are only growing.

Consequently, maintaining and operating Roadhaven Resort is becoming more expensive, and we must plan for these rising costs in the future as they are outside of Roadhaven’s control. I understand and at times even for me, it is difficult to accept that the world is becoming more expensive before our very eyes. 

Increasing the HOA fees does raise the Capital Contribution fee for new buyers, but it also ensures the financial stability and sustained quality of our community. This benefits all residents by maintaining property values and enhancing our living environment, preserving Roadhaven as a resort.

I hope this helps bring clarity to a complex situation and that you enjoy Roadhaven Resort and all the amenities it has to offer. It’s more than a home, it’s a lifestyle!

Thank you for choosing to be a part of our lovely community. 

See ya around the Bell Tower! – Roadie.

Consider reading the following Dear Roadie letters:
Dear Mr. Rational – Spending and Fee Increase
Dear Wagering – Wages and Budget

Dear Limiting – Decision Limit

Remember, Roadie’s answers come from staff and knowledgeable residents who serve on the Board and Committees.

Dear Fiscally - Budget Cuts
Dear Roadie,
I understand inflation, the continuous increase of cost for goods and services. HOA fees do need to go up incrementally. What I don’t understand, why aren’t we trimming the fat, or at least tightening the belt on the budget. Re-evaluate employee requirements. User fees to clubs and groups to offset some of the maintenance costs.
Sincerely Fiscally fed up.

Dear Fiscally – 
I understand your frustration, everything is getting more expensive. Let’s talk about what’s on your mind.
When it comes to budget cuts, it’s important to consider what aspects of our community might be affected. Reducing activities, events, concerts, or dances would change the vibrant atmosphere that many of us value. The same goes for amenities like our golf course, which contributes to the overall appeal and property value of our community. If you want to explore staff layoffs that could mean no overnight Security, longer wait times in the Main Office, and delays in help and maintenance.
Roadhaven is already operating with a lean staff, many of which are spread thin. This is a dedicated team and to suggest cutting who we do have and the lack of recognition for all they do contribute can be demoralizing. I want to assure you that Roadhaven is doing its best to manage its costs but cannot control the cost of contractors, suppliers, materials, etc. Many of Roadhaven’s operations rely on volunteers, and Roadhaven strives to be as efficient as possible.

Increasing club fees wouldn’t help our overall budget since those funds stay with the clubs and clubs decide what their dues and fees are, not Roadhaven.


Choosing to live in Roadhaven Resort means choosing a resort lifestyle with well-maintained amenities, which helps maintain property values. I recognize that the rising cost of living is frustrating, but these increases affect everyone, including the costs we incur to keep Roadhaven running smoothly.

Consider this, the “dollar stores” no longer sell their items for a dollar.


Roadhaven’s decisions and HOA assessment increase of an extra $46 per month are not profit-driven but a necessary adjustment to ensure Roadhaven can pay increasing utility costs, pivot in emergency or unexpected situations (like the Rec Hall trusses failing) while continuing to maintain a 40+ year infrastructure, safety, and local and federal compliance while providing the experience that residents cherish.


Additionally, the Arizona minimum wage will continue to increase annually on Jan. 01. (Per Arizona Revised Statutes 23-363 B) impacting Roadhaven’s costs for every contractor and service provider located in Arizona as they will also have to pay, and inevitably cost more.

I appreciate the time you took to write to me and I am glad you’re a part of our community. – Roadie.

Dear Invested - Capital Contribution Fees

Dear Roadie,
I am interested in knowing about the $3,360 fee buyers (will have to) pay.
Who gets that and what is it used for?
If we already own a place and want to sell and buy a different place in RH, are we grandfathered in? We paid $1,500 when we bought our current place at Roadhaven.

Sincerely, Invested


Dear Invested,
Most of the answers to your questions can be found in the (Owner) Rules & Regulations, page 13, D. Lot Restrictions 3 “Capital Contribution Fee equal to the Annual HOA Fee will be paid to the Association. These funds will be dispersed between Project, Reserve and other funds as determined annually by the Board of Directors during the budget process. This fee is not negotiable nor is it waivable. In the event that the above-described fee is not paid within Thirty (30) days, a penalty in the amount of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) will be levied. (Revised 3/21/2023)”

These fees are not grandfathered.

Beginning July 01, 2024, the Capital Contribution fee will be $3,360.00.

To further elaborate on where this money goes, as this is also outlined in Rules & Regulations, page 13, D. Lot Restrictions 3, the Homeowners Association (HOA) Capital Contributions are used for various purposes related to maintaining and improving the community’s common areas and amenities. These contributions are collected from property buyers to cover the costs of major projects, repairs, and upgrades that benefit the community as a whole.

Here are some common uses for HOA Capital Contributions:

Reserve Fund: A portion of the capital contributions is allocated to a reserve fund, which is used to cover major repair and replacement expenses for common property elements such as roads, sidewalks, roofs, and recreational facilities. This fund ensures that the HOA has sufficient funds to address unexpected expenses without having to levy special assessments on property owners.
Infrastructure Maintenance: Capital contributions fund ongoing maintenance and repairs for community infrastructure such as landscaping, irrigation systems, and drainage facilities. Regular maintenance helps preserve the value and appearance of the community.
Amenities: We often use capital contributions to maintain and upgrade amenities such as swimming pools, sports courts, and common area facilities. These enhancements contribute to the quality of life for residents and can also increase property values.
Safety and Security: Funds may be allocated to enhance safety and security measures within the community, such as installing security cameras and meeting ADA and safety requirements.
Landscaping and Beautification: Capital contributions may be used to fund landscaping projects and beautification efforts to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the community.
Overall, HOA capital contributions are essential for maintaining and enhancing the quality of life within a community, and adjustments to these contributions are often necessary to meet the evolving needs of the community and ensure the financial health of the HOA.

Buyers can view this fee as an investment in the community’s financial health and their own property’s future value.

Thank you for your question! – Roadie.

P.S. If you are wondering what Assessment fees go to, that can be found in the CC&Rs. This document is located on or in your HOA Portal.

The purpose of HOA assessment fees can be found in the Roadhaven CC&Rs, Section 6.2 Purpose of Assessments.

Section 6.2 Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively to promote the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the Owners of the Property and for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such purposes shall include the payment of the following:
(a) Water, sewer, garbage, electrical, lighting, telephone, television, gas and other necessary utility services for the Common Area;
(b) Maintenance and repair of storm drains, sanitary sewers and private streets lying within the Common Area;
(c) Fire and Casualty insurance covering the Common Area and at the election of the Board, a blanket fire and casualty insurance policy or policies covering the Improvements on the Lots;
Page 15
(d) Public liability insurance insuring the Association against any liability to the public or to any Owner, their invitees or tenants, incident to their occupation and/or use of the Common Area with such limits of coverage as may be determined by the Board;
(e) Workmen’s Compensation Insurance to the extent necessary to comply with any applicable laws, and any other insurance deemed necessary by the Board;
(f) Standard fidelity bonds covering those certain members of the Board, the officers, and those certain employees of the Association who are authorized to sign checks on behalf of the Association, in such amounts that the Board may determine from time to time;
(g) Painting, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Common Area;
(h) Reserves for repair and replacement of improvements on the Common Area and for exterior maintenance;
(i) Reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by members of the Board and officers in the discharge of their duties; and
(j) Such other and further items of expense relating to any services or facilities that may be necessary or which the Board may deem advisable or expedient in order to carry out the intent, purposes and objectives of the Association as set forth in this Declaration.

That’s all for now! – Roadie.

Dear Limiting - Decision Limit

Dear Roadie,
While I agree that the Board should have authority to make decisions on behalf of the residents, I believe that there should be either a monetary limit that if exceeded would need a homeowners vote OR at the very least when there are many projects to choose from only one big project/year be prioritized and chosen. Ex. $50,000 Offered to the Purdy’s in the same year that $50,000+ was slated for the small dog park repair and turf… $100,000 is a lot of money directed at two areas that optically do not serve as many people as the pool for example.

Sincerely, Limiting

Dear Limiting,

I recognize your position that there should be a financial cap on projects requiring property owner consent and that Roadhaven ought to focus on a single significant project annually.

While a monetary limit or prioritization of one major project per year might seem like a straightforward solution, it could also lead to delays in necessary maintenance and improvements, ultimately costing more in the long run. The current approach allows us to address pressing issues promptly while planning for future needs.

While it’s true that different residents value different amenities, and not everyone uses all the facilities, the Board’s responsibility is to consider the overall needs and long-term sustainability of our community.

If we were to implement your suggestion, some areas that are less frequently used by you but highly valued by others might suffer. This could lead to a decline in the quality and appeal of those amenities, which in turn might affect property values and resident satisfaction.

Roadhaven aims to balance the diverse interests of its residents while maintaining the community’s infrastructure and services. The reality is that we cannot make every resident happy with every decision. However, the Board strives to make choices that benefit the community as a whole and ensure that Roadhaven remains a vibrant and desirable place to live.

The decision-making process involves careful consideration of various factors, including immediate needs, long-term planning, and available resources. By addressing multiple projects, even if they seem to serve different groups, we ensure that all areas of the community are maintained and improved as needed.
I appreciate your input and understanding as we work to serve the best interests of our entire resort.

Thank you for choosing Roadhaven. I hope you come to enjoy every part of it just as I have.

Your feathered friend – Roadie.

Dear Lost - HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Dear Roadie,
Please direct me to where I can find the Board Minutes explaining the lot purchases stated the info was in the meeting minutes, however, I can’t find the information.

Sincerely, Lost


Dear Lost – I am sorry to hear you are having trouble. I have peeked in on this process and you can find the Board Meeting Minutes in the HOA Portal under the Meeting Minutes.  Remember, when you are searching for documents in the HOA Portal you have to click on the side arrows to expand the folder. If you click on the folder name, it will not open those subfolders, click on the arrow beside the folder name. 

Roadhaven also mentioned the lot purchases in Resident Newsletters. It’s important to open your newsletters and don’t skim, but read everything in there. 

The topic of the lot purchase can be found in these Meeting Minutes and Newsletters:
Nov. 14, 2023, Working Session Minutes
Dec. 15, 2023,  Roadhaven Weekly Newsletter
Dec. 19, 2023, Open Board Meeting Minutes
Mar. 19, 2024, Annual HOA Meeting Minutes
Mar. 26, 2024, Open Board Meeting Minutes

I went over them in an expanded answer in a previous letter from Sincerely, Irritated (catch those in the LAST WEEK’S LETTERS section below this one).

One last reminder, the HOA Portal is a separate website from You can read about their differences here.


Dear Mr. Rational - Spending and Fee Increase

Dear Roadie,
I really don’t care about comparisons between our park and others. My concern is whom the board, our board as we call it, represents? I believe in theory it is supposed to be US, but when it came to a 20% increase in HOA fees, The “us” became a “them” and seemed like they were bending to only the wishes of management. The us had no say in what “our” board did/decided.

Oh yes, we got to air our disagreement, heard, but I feel NOT listened to. And in spite of the negative disagreement, the board, without discussion unanimously passed this increase as if the decision had been previously decided. That doesn’t seem like much of a representation.

We are a large group of aged, intelligent, and experienced adults who, in our lifetime of family and jobs, have made THOUSANDS of decisions. We are very capable of assisting the board in prioritizing things that need to be done in our park. Not all of them tomorrow, but therein stands the phrase “prioritize and conquer,”
Just one example, the “fence replacement issue” really, does the Entire fence need replacing? Whose idea? Could it not be sanded in needed areas and repainted? A $5000 speed bump? Seriously? And relevance?

To the board I would say spend OUR money as if it was from your personal account, ask yourself the necessity of the spenditure, and get multiple quotes.
I believe this park to be a middle or upper middle senior park. We can’t all afford a 20% increase in one minute’ part of our yearly budget. YES, I said budget.

signed Mr. Rational (of course that’s an opinion)

Dear Mr. Rational,
I hear you and I want you to know that you have some excellent points. Many of your suggestions are already part of Roadhaven’s practices, which shows you and Roadhaven are working towards the same goals.

The pool fence is being replaced and painted in sections, which has been on the project list for several years. Similarly, the Rec Hall ceiling tiles are being replaced incrementally over three years at the rate of one-third per year. Let me clarify that the cost of the speed humps is $4,400 for three sets.

Your concerns about budgeting, planning, and project priorities are very important. Just as you suggest, Roadhaven follows a 20-year plan where each project is carefully scrutinized, budgeted, and planned. I know that multiple quotes or bids are obtained for projects. Sometimes, like with the pool fence and Rec Hall tiles, projects get divided up or delayed to make room for new priorities.

To address the speed bump concern, the speed humps (humps are wider than bumps) cost $4,400 for three sets, which is a necessary safety measure. We have seen instances where some residents, their guests, or contractors drive at unsafe speeds (40mph in a 10mph zone), and these humps help mitigate those risks.

The 20% increase in HOA fees amounts to an additional $46 per month and is necessary to maintain Roadhaven’s operations and standards amidst rising global costs. The increasing costs of utilities, parts, materials, and labor are beyond Roadhaven’s control and are not one-time expenses.

Recent unexpected expenses, such as the Rec Hall truss failures, ADA-compliant restroom upgrades, a well pump failure, and 900 feet of compromised casing, have added up to over $500,000. These were necessary and unavoidable repairs, not discretionary decisions by management.

We cannot deplete the Reserve fund, especially with 40+-year-old infrastructure. Even I started to break down after 40!

The CC&Rs tell us that Roadhaven is obligated to maintain buildings, landscapes, and common areas without a vote from the membership (section 3.2 C. Maintenance by Association). Roadhaven runs rather smoothly this way.

Maintaining Roadhaven’s resort status and amenities is essential to preserving property values, despite the rising costs. The Board works diligently to balance the budget and ensure fiscal responsibility, recognizing that the global economic climate impacts us all.

It is important to note that Arizona passed a law and the minimum wage will continue to increase EVERY year on January 01.

Rising costs are a widespread issue. For example, while I do not support the eating of birds, the cost of a McDonald’s Hot and Spicy McChicken sandwich has increased significantly, showing costs go far above inflation. Before COVID it was $1. Today, the same sandwich is $2.70 and in some places over $3, which is an increase of over 170%. Additionally, the Arizona minimum wage increases impact payroll and the costs charged by contractors and service providers.

Who does the Board represent?
The Board represents all property owners and is composed of volunteer residents who are dedicated to making the best decisions for our community. They receive no compensation and pay the same HOA fees as everyone else. When we look back at HOA increases we can see that the Board has always managed to keep them relatively low, they simply could not this time.

Some residents have suggested voting on more decisions. While this idea is understandable, there are several practical considerations to keep in mind:
-Elections can be expensive.
-Decision-making needs to be faster than voting allows.
-Achieving consensus among over 1,000 owners and nearly 2,000 residents on critical issues is nearly impossible.

Historically, only about 61% of property owners participate in elections even when voting is as simple as submitting an electronic ballot.

Residents can and do help plan projects and budget. These residents serve on committees.

Residents can attend most meetings without joining committees or the Board.

I encourage all residents to get involved in planning projects and budgeting by serving on committees or attending meetings. This involvement provides insight into the decision-making processes and helps align our actions with community needs. Qualified property owners can apply to join committees or run for a seat on the Board. These positions are not paid.

There is no “us” vs “them”
Members of the Board are your friends and neighbors at Roadhaven. They have to pay the same HOA fees as all property owners and they do not receive any compensation for the time and effort they spend to make difficult, and sometimes unpopular, but necessary decisions.

I understand that some property owners feel caught off guard by the increase, while others who are more involved do not. The rising costs of everyday items are a challenge we all face.

I truly empathize with your concerns about limited incomes and can assure you that Roadhaven management, committee, and Board members are committed to finding the best solutions for our community.

The world is changing, and we must adapt to keep Roadhaven thriving. Your involvement and feedback are crucial to this process.

Historical voting totals are confirmed from the Annual General Meeting Minutes.

CC&Rs can be found on or in the HOA Portal.

I flew past a McDonald’s drive-thru to confirm the McChicken prices.

Your friend, Roadie.

Dear On the Fence - Project Planning | Dog Park

Dear Roadie,
I think it would be a good idea to explain where the work projects come from. Who suggested them & why, etc. So many residents are wondering where and why the redo of the small dog park came from. It seems a list of Board recommendations should be posted early in the season for discussion of pros & cons from residents before the final decision is made. Residents just want to be in the know. It could quelch potential rumors. How do you come up with the ideas, etc.

Sincerely, On The Fence

Dear On The Fence – 
Roadhaven’s projects, often referred to as “Summer Projects” because they tend to take place in the summer, come from a 20-year plan. This blueprint tends to shift a bit as priorities change, and projects are shuffled around based on safety, necessity, and, naturally, the purse strings. Determining which projects to tackle hinges on these factors plus input from the Board, management, clubs, and suggestions from residents.

As for the Small Dog Park, I’ve soared over it on several occasions and can confirm that it’s not undergoing a complete makeover. Two new shade trees are being planted because the old palm trees were brittle and a safety hazard. The fence surrounding it was in a bit of a precarious state and that is being replaced. I’ve landed on it a couple of times, and let me tell you, it was about as steady as a fledgling’s first flight. It was covered in vines that were attracting bees and providing an ideal habitat for some rather toxic frogs. Just imagine if a small dog decided to give one of those poisonous frogs a nip! I must confess, I’ve been tempted to take a peck at one myself – the frogs, that is, not the small dogs. 

Below, you can see how many times the Board publicly spoke about projects, and even more in your Friday Resident Newsletter. Here’s the problem, not everyone READS the Board minutes, the newsletter, Dear Roadie letters, or shows up to meetings held throughout the season. It is a real struggle to keep nearly 2,000* people perfectly informed. We just don’t have the technology to download the information straight into people’s brains. I know there are a lot of fun activities going on at Roadhaven, but residents have to do their part when it comes to staying informed. Don’t skim the meeting minutes or newsletter, read them with intention and attend meetings with an ear to hear.

*During the peak of the active season Roadhaven hosts nearly 2,000 people.

Here are the dates of the public announcements of Summer Projects and where they were announced:

– Jan. 04, 2024 – Town Hall: Summer Projects
– Jan. 16, 2024 – Open Board Meeting: General Manager Reports
– Feb. 20, 2024 – Open Board Meeting: General Manager Reports
– Mar. 19, 2024 – Annual HOA Meeting: Financials
– Mar. 26, 2024 – Open Board Meeting: General Manager Reports

Mentioning Projects in the Newsletters this Season: 

-Dec. 15, 2023- Expanding on the purchased lots in Rumor vs Fact 
-Feb. 16, 2024- Sports court in Rumor vs Fact
-Feb. 29, 2024- Small dog park closure for repairs 
-Apr. 19, 2024- Announcing the Summer Projects Page 
-Apr. 26, 2024- Announcing the Summer Projects Page

I hope that helps you better understand how projects are determined at Roadhaven! -Roadie.

Dear Planner - Project Planning | 20-Year Plan

Dear Roadie,
With the amount of money this business generates, is there a 5-year plan moving forward? A 10-year plan?

In my personal life if I have something that requires maintenance it gets put on a list until I can afford to fix it. Financially speaking “need” cannot be achieved right away so a need list is made.

Here in Roadhaven, it seems that every need has to be accomplished immediately. I find it hard to believe that every need is imperative. Categorically some things have a higher priority than others, … 5-YEAR PLAN??

Sincerely, A. Planner

Dear Planner-
I appreciate your passion but I am not sure why residents think projects are scheduled or completed urgently. Every project undergoes thorough planning and budgeting, some items spanning years; nothing is decided impulsively or on a whim.

A perfect example is the Rec Hall ceiling tiles. Those are being replaced at a rate of one-third at a time! One-third was replaced last summer, one-third this summer, and one-third next summer.

Indeed, from my vantage point high above, I can confirm that Roadhaven boasts an expansive 20-year plan!

These projects are often discussed during Open Board Meetings, showcasing Roadhaven’s commitment to foresight and strategic planning.

Roadhaven’s 20-year plan gracefully adapts to changing winds, receiving regular updates throughout the seasons. Spanning 33 distinct categories, it encompasses everything from maintaining over a dozen buildings to tending to streets, sidewalks, and valley gutters.

Clubs also have a 5-year plan for the facilities they use and those needs become part of Roadhaven’s 20-year plan.

The more informed residents are, the less likely these projects will seem as though they are just popping up.

I encourage residents to join a Committee, attend every Board meeting and Town Hall, attend Committee meetings when possible, and do not skim but read the Roadhaven Newsletters emails and Board meeting minutes found in your HOA Portal in the DOCUMENTS folder.

With a focus on general upkeep, fire protection, aquatic amenities, and beyond, Roadhaven’s vision soars far beyond what meets the eye, a testament not to secrecy, but to the boundless breadth of its aspirations to remain Arizona’s premiere 55+ active living resort. Enjoy! – Roadie.

Dear Reviewing - HOA Increase Meetings

Dear Roadie,
How often do HOA board members review the Roadhaven financials and when did they realize they would need to raise homeowners fees 20%?

Sincerely, Reviewing 

Dear Reviewing –
What a great question! I can assure you, the Board doesn’t wing it. They have a fully outlined process.

The Board doesn’t know what percentage increase is needed until that process is complete. The Board of Directors reviews the financials monthly.

The Treasurer reviews the Roadhaven financials with the accountants several times a week and the Board reviews the financials monthly.

When we go through the March 19, 2024, AGM Meeting Minutes available in the HOA Portal, we can see they also discussed this process.

From the Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes from (Mar. 19, 2024)

FY25 Budget Presentation and Approval – Doug Bryson

Finance Committee Members

Need to Know facts of HOA Budget

Not for Profit

Budgets are prepared using estimated costs

Having one year’s operating cost on hand

Capital Reserve is used for emergency expenses

Guiding Budgetary Principles

Homeowner assessments affordable

Infrastructure well maintained and updated.

Limited growth of space

Programs and activity requirements

Amenities are essential components.

FY25 Budget Process

General Manager develops Project list & budget.

CFO develops operations budget with involvement from many groups.

Planning Committee presents projects for review.

Finance Committee reviews cash requirements

Adjustments made.

Finance Committee presents to Board of Directors

Board of Directors approves.

When did they realize they would need to raise HOA assessment fees 20%?

Up until the last few days of the budget process, the Board was exploring alternatives to manage the 20% cost increases. Even a few days before the AGM, they were still considering ways to lower the HOA fee, but no viable options were found. 

The 20% assessment fee increase will result in an additional $46 (and some change) per month, starting on July 1, 2024.

Thanks for asking! – Roadie.

Roadhaven website:

Board of Directors web page:

Roadhaven Committees web page:

HOA Portal: (Open the DOCUMENTS folder)

You might find these other Dear Roadie letters helpful:

Dear Mr. Rational – Spending and Fee Increase

Dear Considered – Special Assessment VS Fee Increase

Dear Wagering – Wages and Budget

Dear Wagering - Wages and Budget

Dear Roadie,
What are employee/manager paychecks around here? Are they paid minimum wage? Speaking of it. what is the minimum wage in arizona? What about the ones on comittees and board? how much do they get paid, SALARY??? I bet they skip on HOA dues or get some big discount!!
Sincerely, Wagering

Dear Wagering – 
I remember when the minimum wage was under $2.00 and gas was 25 cents a gallon! What a wild ride we have been on. 

You may have seen a slide at the 2024 AGM that showed 61% of the annual budget marked for payroll. This is not just wages. This includes FICA, payroll taxes, workers’ compensation insurance, and health insurance contributions.

Committee and Board members are not paid nor do they receive discounts on HOA fees. They are all volunteers who pay the same HOA fees/dues that every property owner at Roadhaven pays. 

I’m sorry – Arizona law says I can’t share wages or payment details. It’s important to follow the rules to avoid legal trouble. I would hate to end up in a birdcage somewhere!  

The Arizona law (ARS 33-1805 B) explains that records about a person’s private life, health, or financial information are confidential if they’re part of the association, work for it, a contractor, or work for someone who does.

Arizona’s minimum wage increased from $13.85 to $14.35 on January 1, 2024. This change is a result of The Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act.

Per Arizona Revised Statutes 23-363 B, the state’s minimum wage is subject to an increase on January 1st of each year.

I hope you have found the information I’ve provided to be helpful.

The staff and volunteers at Roadhaven are a dedicated team who devote considerable time and effort to ensure you have a great experience at Roadhaven. It’s more than a home, it’s a lifestyle! Make sure to show them the appreciation they deserve.

Your feathered friend – Roadie.


Election Costs Update | Workload Rundown
As of today, June 14, 2024, the petition and subsequent special election have incurred costs totaling $12,793.64 for the HOA, with additional expenses expected for ballots and election management. Further updates will be shared as they become available. This cost includes labor, legal fees, and supplies.

While I cannot disclose pay rates, I can share the workload with you.

Announcement Mailing:
– Drafting an announcement letter approved by legal representation, the Board of Directors, and Roadhaven Management
– Crafting an opposing letter from the Board of Directors with legal approval
– Stamping and addressing 1100 envelopes
– Auditing summer home addresses for proper postage delivery
– Printing 1100 copies each of the announcement, Board’s opposition letter, and Petitioners’ opposition letter
– Tri-folding and stuffing documents into envelopes, then sealing them
– Formatting, printing, and labeling 1060 envelopes with address labels
– Sorting and mailing envelopes to the USA, Canada, and in-park mailboxes

Ballot Mailing:
– Writing ballot instructions with approvals from legal representation, the Board, and Management
– Preparing official ballots with approvals
– Stamping 1000 ballot envelopes and 900 return address envelopes
– Creating and labeling signature and lot information on 900 envelopes
– Auditing summer addresses for postage accuracy
– Printing 450 copies each of ballot instructions and official ballots
– Tri-folding and stuffing documents into envelopes, then sealing them
– Formatting, printing, and labeling 450 envelopes with address labels
– Sorting and mailing envelopes to the USA, Canada, and in-park mailboxes
– Setting up a ballot box in the main office
Electronic Ballot:
– Developing a user-friendly platform for accessing opposition letters, instructions, deadlines, and ballots
– Configuring platform settings
– Uploading educational materials for informed voting
– Creating and verifying ballots through email authentication
– Establishing voting start and end dates
During Open Election Assistance:
– Providing resident support to locate email ballots or verify mailing addresses
– Addressing technical inquiries
Conclusion of Election:
– Obtaining electronic vote reports
– Validating paper ballots and confirming signatures
– Ensuring no duplicate votes
– Counting and tallying votes from both paper and electronic sources
– Releasing results via Dear Roadie,, and email notifications

Additional Tasks:
– Ordering supplies such as envelopes and paper
– Purchasing postage stamps
– Distributing mail to Roadhaven mailboxes
– Consulting legal advisors and reviewing documents
Dear Skeptical - (Special) Election Cost

Dear Roadie,
I’ve heard it would cost THOUSANDS of dollars to run a special election if the Home Owner Budget Initiative petition moves forward. There is no way stamps can cost that much! 

Sincerely, Skeptical

Update: As of June 6th, 2024, the petition signed by fewer than 120 residents has led to the HOA incurring $9,045.20 in costs for supplies, legal expenses, and labor.

Roadhaven still needs to cover expenses for printing paper ballots, postage for mailing ballots to those not signed up for electronic voting, the electronic voting system, and labor for preparing ballots, managing questions, assisting residents, counting ballots, and preparing election results.

Dear Skeptical – Your concern about the potential cost of a special election is understandable. Indeed, the figures tossed around can seem daunting. However, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty.

Elections can come with a hefty price tag, ranging from $2,800 to $4,000. The costs vary depending on several factors, such as the timing of the election, whether it coincides with the summer season when many residents are away or out of the country, and whether changes to CC&Rs are on the ballot. Moreover, the choice between electronic and paper ballots, printing expenses, and postage costs further contribute to the overall tally.

Summer elections, for instance, can rack up expenses due to the need for off-site mailing of ballots and potential legal fees if CC&R adjustments are up for consideration since they must be reviewed by a legal team.

While Roadhaven works to manage these costs sensibly, the reality remains that conducting an election, special or not, could indeed tally up to thousands of dollars.

I hope that gives you a better understanding of the cost and processes of an HOA  election.
– Roadie

(Added at :56pm 04/19) Oops! I almost forgot – while we’re talking about elections – the Board page has QUORUM AND VOTING REQUIREMENTS listed on their page.


Dear A. Mirage - Oasis and the $50k Offer

Dear Roadie,
I heard a rumor that the Board gave $50,000 to the Oasis restaurant.
If true, why were they granted $50,000 as it was brought up as a concern from a homeowner in one of the Board meetings, and why was that not brought to Homeowners for a discussion first?

Will there be any kind of compensation for returning to Roadhaven for the use of its facilities? Is Roadhaven responsible for all utility costs as part of this arrangement? A simple yes or no will do. What is the budgeted loss to Roadhaven for having this facility for next season?
I’ve read in a recent post that the Oasis will be managed by a contractor.

Does that mean the last manager of Oasis will be returning next season (2024-2025)? If so, why would they be classified as a contractor?

If they don’t return, who will be the contractor running Oasis next season?

Sincerely, A. Mirage

Dear A. Mirage –

Ah, the Oasis. You might hear it referred to as the cantina by long-time residents. Let’s dispel any illusions surrounding the Oasis restaurant. And I apologize there is no simple yes or no here.

The shortest answer is it wasn’t a rumor. The $50,000 was not and will not be given to anyone. Last season’s manager/operators will not return and we don’t know if the Oasis will be around next season. Let’s get into the meat of it.

The $50,000 seed money was proposed and offered but not disbursed. Rande and Judy Purdy were Roadhaven employees during the 2023-2024 season. For those who are unfamiliar, Judy Purdy was the Oasis manager, and Rande Purdy was the cook.

Roadhaven’s GM (Steve Byfield) addressed this offer during an Open Board Meeting on March 26, 2024.

Again, the $50,000 was not released. The Purdys did not receive the money, and it did not go to Oasis.

Why didn’t the Purdys/Oasis get the $50,000? The offer was contingent upon the Purdys transitioning from Roadhaven employees to independent contractors. The offer was an effort to help them be successful. The Purdys would have had to establish their own business structure, licenses, insurance, put in commercial food orders, hire employees, and all of the other assumptions of responsibilities typically borne by business owners.

The Purdys were not able to accept the offer due to circumstances beyond their control. They will not be operating the Oasis next season, and the offer is no longer valid.

With that said, the earmarked funds were not given to them, and the $50,000 seed money offer will not be extended to any other potential contractor for the operation of the Oasis Restaurant in the upcoming season.

A survey conducted in November of the 2022-2023 season indicated resident support for keeping the restaurant. The Board and management believed outsourcing the Oasis operation to a contractor could be cost-effective and potentially more successful.

Regarding the decision-making process, Roadhaven does have the authority to make operational decisions. It is impractical to consult over 1,000 property owners or nearly 2,000 residents for every decision. This is also why the residents elect a Board of Directors. The Board is composed of resident-elected property owners who represent the membership in decision-making. The reality is that even when it is as simple as submitting an electronic or paper ballot, not every Roadhaven owner votes or reads their emails (there is a 60-70% open rate on a good week), and not everyone returns a survey!

I believe some residents are overestimating what other residents are willing to participate in regarding decision-making, voting, or even opening an email. Most residents flock to Roadhaven to enjoy the amenities, relax, and relish their retirement. They don’t want to spend days mulling over day-to-day decisions that could affect thousands of people. Those that do, run for the Board of Directors or join Committees. You can too!

Let’s face it, if Roadhaven had to wait for each resident’s opinion to make a decision, nothing would get done. And if they had to wait for everyone to agree, this moving ship would sink!

What will happen if a new contractor takes over the operation of the Oasis restaurant? Roadhaven will continue to be responsible for the utilities, maintenance of the building, and the equipment. And again, that $50,000 offer made to the Purdys would not be extended to another contractor. It was not spent or distributed and is now in the past.

The new restaurant operator would be a contractor responsible for all costs associated with running the restaurant, labor, food costs, insurance, taxes, etc. Forgive me, I feel like I have to say it again, they would not be offered the $50,000.

While Roadhaven tried to facilitate a transition for the Purdys, the future of the Oasis is uncertain. Without a prospective contractor, closure of the Oasis appears increasingly likely.

We will have to take this one day at a time.

Stick by me, I’ll keep you posted.

Boy! All that talk of seed money made me hungry.
Time to fly! – Roadie.



Dear Illuminate - Oasis Roof and ADA Restrooms

Dear Roadie,
I am searching for answers. Did we put a new tile roof on the restaurant and then add solar panels? I heard the roof was leaking due to adding the solar panels so we replaced the brand-new tile roof with a shingled roof due to the solar panels, is this correct? If this is the case, what did the tile roof cost that was thrown away to save money with solar panels?

The membership voted to keep the restaurant but was not notified of the updates needed to the kitchen and bathrooms as this wasn’t known at the time of the vote. These updates moved forward without notice to the membership which may have changed how the members voted.

Also, is it true that the solar panel project was supposed to be placed on the back burner but got done anyway?

Sincerely, Illuminate Me

Dear Illuminate –
Your inquiries shine a light on our rooftop riddles and solar mysteries. Let’s peel back the layers of this sunny quandary and shed some of that light on the situation together.

Roadhaven didn’t install a new tile roof on the restaurant; the current tile was added in 1991. Previously, Roadhaven used the existing shingle accesses/walkways on the roof to service the AC units and vent hoods without walking on the tile.

However, when the solar panels were installed, workers installed the solar panels, some tiles broke and this led to subsequent leaks and safety risks. To help prevent leaks and provide a safe space for solar maintenance, Roadhaven removed the tiles under the solar panels,** in those areas only**, replacing them with roof shingles.
There may be some confusion regarding a membership vote to keep the restaurant. In actuality, residents were sent a survey (Nov. 2022) on the matter, not asked to vote.
The changes to the bathroom and kitchen were not for vanity, these were mandatory due to safety issues and to stay ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. This was discussed publicly at the following meetings:
11/09/2023 Town Hall – Main Topic
11/21/2023 Open Board Meeting – General Manager Report
02/20/2024 Open Board Meeting – Open Forum
03/19/2024 Annual General Meethas- General Manager Report
03/26/2024 Open Board Meeting – Open Forum
Remember, if you miss a meeting be sure to review the meeting minutes found in the **HOA Portal **( under DOCUMENTS.
**As far as the solar panels being put on the back burner and then being done anyway, that is not true. **The solar panels were originally supposed to go on the Rec Hall and Aztec (Oasis restaurant) buildings. However, due to the truss failure, Roadhaven had to recalibrate and place the solar panels on the Teton (fitness/billiards) building instead of the Rech Hall. Roadhaven was actually behind schedule because they had to readjust after the Rec Hall truss failure.
Thank you for the question – Roadie.

Dear Doubtful - Oasis Liquor License

Dear Roadie,
I’ve heard mention about the Oasis not having a liquor license. Why don’t they? Is it hard to get one? (doubtful) Is it super expensive? Please explain.
Sincerely, Doubtful

Dear Doubtful –
The Roadhaven Resort restaurant, Oasis, cannot obtain a liquor license because Roadhaven is zoned residential, not commercial.

An outside vendor with a liquor license cannot serve alcohol at the restaurant for the same reason. Roadhaven has talked with the City of Apache Junction about rezoning the restaurant’s land, but that’s not possible right now.

If it were, it’s important to consider that the rezoning would bring tax, legal, and financial issues.
It could also affect property values in the HOA, especially near the restaurant.

Currently, Roadhaven cannot advertise the restaurant to the public, but if it were rezoned, this would change and the restaurant would be open to the general public. This would likely lead to more traffic inside Roadhaven, the restaurant, and new road and parking upgrades.
Cheers! – Roadie.

Dear Food - Sports Bar

Dear Roadie,
I see many comments related to the restaurant. Unfortunayely, I too feel it is time to cut the money drain. With everyone’s concern about thrifty spending habits by the park, it certainly is logical. However, the park has dumped a lot of money into it to bring it up to code, etc. Let’s just not make another bad decision and just walk away from it. So I would like to present an idea. Buy several more tv’s and turn it into the Roadhaven Sports Bar. There could be several sports related things on the various tv’s and it becomes a place for the guys and gals to come, bring their own drinks and munchies and enjoy their favorite sport with a group of friends. Like any sports bar, you could be featuring the various games, whether its baseball, golf, tennis, football, basketball, hockey. We already the facility, why not put it to use for the people as a whole. Perhaps it could even be a club of its own and a nominal fee could be charged to assist with upkeep costs. Just putting it out there. I’m sure there are many sport enthusiasts in the park and folks that like to get together with their friends. I would like to believe this could be turned into a fun facility with very limited cost, as almost everything is already there.
Food for thought!

Dear Food –
I love the enthusiasm and boy, what a great idea! Let’s call it – Roadie’s Nest. Sounds fun, right? Before we get lost in a fantasy, we have to consider a few things.

Here’s what I know: if it serves food, we’ll need a kitchen manager, reliable staff, and compliance with various health and safety regulations. What you’re describing sounds like a fantastic place for residents to gather, but it will come with costs for machines or electronics and their maintenance. As we know, anything with electricity will eventually need repairs.

If Roadhaven isn’t able to contract a qualified contractor to operate the restaurant, they plan to consult the membership about potential options. Stay tuned for updates, and if a meeting is scheduled, be sure to bring this idea to the table.

See ya soon! – Roadie.

You might find this “Dear Roadie” letter interesting: Dear Thirsty – Oasis Liquor License.

Dear Nostalgic - Oasis History

Dear Roadie, 

Are you able to provide historical information about the Oasis/Cantina? Did it open when phase 2 was built? Assuming it was profitable when opened and for many years after, when and what caused things to change to where we are today?

Sincerely, Nostalgic

Dear, Nostalgic –

The on-site restaurant, built on good intentions, has been in operation for nearly 20 years, encountering various managers and strategies for success. When COVID and food delivery services expanded, it became even more difficult to sustain. 

Initially called the Cantina and later rebranded as the Oasis Restaurant, it did not open when the Phase 2 building was constructed.

From 2005 to 2014, the restaurant was contracted out to a string of contractors with Roadhaven covering utilities, equipment, and building maintenance costs without collecting rent. Profitability during this period is uncertain as Roadhaven lacks access to the contractors’ records. In the subsequent years, the restaurant was not profitable.

Roadhaven operated and managed the restaurant from 2014 to 2015. From 2016 to 2022, operations were contracted out again. From 2022 to 2024, Roadhaven resumed control, employing managers directly.

Currently, Roadhaven is seeking a contractor to operate the restaurant. If no suitable contractor is found, the restaurant will close and the building will be repurposed. The Board and Management will engage the membership in exploring options for the building space.

Stay tuned! – Roadie.

You might find this Dear Roadie letter useful:

Dear Doubtful – Oasis Liquor License

Dear Zoned Out - Why ADA for Oasis?

Dear Roadie,
Someone asked why the Oasis restaurant couldn’t get a liquor license, and the answer was that the Oasis is zoned as “residential.” If that is accurate, then why did we need to spend $90,000 to make the building ADA compliant? At the time, we were told that the occupancy permit got “lost,” and we needed to make it compliant to qualify for the permit. That also seems puzzling since it should be recorded by the county building department.
Sincerely, Zoned Out

Dear Zoned Out,

The Oasis restaurant is indeed located on land zoned as “residential.” This zoning classification prohibits the sale of alcohol, which is why the restaurant could not obtain a liquor license.

Regardless of zoning, any public accommodation must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This means that the building must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Since the restrooms were not ADA-compliant, modifications were necessary.

The county did not have a record of the original occupancy permit for the Aztec (now Oasis) building. To continue using the building, a new occupancy permit was required. This process involves ensuring that the building meets current codes and regulations.

Therefore, the money spent was necessary to make the building ADA-compliant, ensuring it met federal and state accessibility standards. These modifications were required to secure a new occupancy permit, allowing the building to be legally occupied and used, even though it remains zoned as residential.

I hope this clears up the confusion. – Roadie.

Related Dear Roadie Letters:
Dear Doubtful – Oasis Liquor License
Dear Illuminate – Oasis Roof and ADA Restrooms


Dear A. Lot - Roadhaven Lot Ownership

Dear Roadie,
We were told at the meeting when someone asked that Roadhaven owned 4 lots I heard that they own 6 with the new lots on Zuni. My question is who pays the HOA on them? That is $20,160.00 a year for 6 lots also was there any fees (like the $2800.00) per lot paid? I thought it passed in early 2023 before those lots were bought that we can only own 2 lots.
Sincerely, A. Lot

Dear A. Lot,
Roadhaven Resort HOA does own 6 lots. Two of the lots, where the Golf Pro Shop is, were purchased in the 1990s. The other two are the Hospitality and Information Center and what will become the Activities Storage, and two remain undeveloped.
Because Roadhaven is landlocked, the HOA must plan carefully for the future and is not under the same lot owner restrictions.
Looking back at the time of transfer, all applicable fees were paid.
Since these lots are already or are intended to become common spaces once developed, HOA assessment fees are not required or paid. In the same way, assessment fees are not paid for the sporting courts, pools, or streets.
I hope you enjoy Roadhaven Resort to its fullest!
– Roadie.

Dear Conserving - Motion Sensor Lights

Dear Roadie,
Has the resort considered putting motion-detection light switches in the buildings? I have noticed office lights on at night with no one around. Bathroom lights that are left on around both pool areas and tennis courts as well. I’m sure by installing these the resort would save on electricity bill.
Sincerely, Conserving


Dear Conserving –

Roadhaven does have motion sensor lights in areas of the resort, like the dog parks and Bocce Ball courts. Many of Roadhaven’s common area outdoor lights are photocell lights and they turn on at dusk and off at dawn.
Your idea to place sensor lights in the restrooms is a good one, so we thought. There were motion sensor lights in the restrooms but it became a safety hazard for those sitting in a stall. The lights would shut off, and people were having a hard time finding their way out. When the lights unexpectedly turned off this certainly ruffled a few feathers. So the motion sensor lights were removed from the restrooms. It’s a reminder that even the brightest ideas can have unintended consequences.
The lights that stay on after hours in the Main Office are purposeful for a few reasons. Leaving the lights on in these areas allows Security to walk through safely. Leaving the lights on also allows Security and other residents to see if someone is moving inside the buildings from outside the offices. For example, if Security is walking by the Rec Hall they can glance over at the Main Office and see if anyone is moving about where they shouldn’t be.
When it comes to conserving electricity, residents can pitch in by shutting off lights after using the restrooms, reporting light misuse to Security, or simply flipping the switch when appropriate. And if a light is left on in the restroom, just give it a quick shout before flicking it off. You don’t want to leave anyone in the dark. – Roadie.

Dear Counting - Employee Numbers

Dear Roadie,
Is it true Roadhaven has 51 employees? Can you break down the paid jobs they do? For example, what is the number of office personnel, maintenance, security, janitorial, and other paid positions?

Sincerely, Counting


Dear Counting –  
There are dozens of hardworking and dedicated individuals who keep Roadhaven running smoothly all year long. However, 51 is not the correct number, it’s currently 30 and I will break it down for you. The number of employees changes depending on a few factors such as the time of season and the reality of business. Some people, as committed as they may be, may find it in their best interest to quit at any point or in a Workamper’s case, move on to the next city on their bucket list after a season ends.  Because Roahaven employs people, and people are humans, there is a human element to account for and never a set number of employees. At the time of this writing, May 03, 2024, there are 8 part-time and 22 full-time employees at Roadhaven.

You see, Roadhaven’s team is as diverse as a flock of birds! With the ebb and flow of seasonal changes, it’s no wonder the number of employees varies. It’s like they say, in the world of work, you can’t always count your chickens before they hatch—or in this case, count your employees before they fly off to new adventures!

Now, for the numbers you asked for. I did a full head count and here is the breakdown you requested.
Admin: 5 full-time
Office: 4 full-time
Security: 5 full-time, 5 part-time
Maintenance: 3 full-time, 1 part-time
Golf Maintenance: 3 full-time, 2 part-time 
Housekeeping: 2 full-time

This total being: 8 part-time and 22 full-time. Which is a total of 30 employees during the summer.

Where you likely heard there were 51 employees was at the 2024 AGM. This number was referencing the total amount of year-round, seasonal, and Oasis employees (at the time). It’s worth noting that in the future, Oasis will be operated by a contractor and Roadhaven will no longer be responsible for paying Oasis employees. 

During the active season, you might see an increase in these areas:

Add 3 part-time employees in the Golf Shop
Add 2 part-time Workampers
Add 1 full-time Activities Director
Add 1 part-time Activities Assistant
Add 1 part-time Main Office employee

If an employee quits, Roadhaven will likely split his or her duties throughout the department for as long as possible to save money. Eventually, they may have to hire someone but are quite mindful of the money spent so they stretch a person’s abilities until they can’t anymore – it can be a little stressful but you have a faithful group of employees at Roadhaven. 

Remember, Roadhaven sees close to 2,000 residents and their guests during peak season. It takes a lot to secure, maintain, and assist that many people plus 105 acres of land and 15 buildings. We need these good-hearted employees to keep it going.

Truthfully, Roadhaven is understaffed, and some employees work long hours so Roadhaven runs efficiently. I’ve seen some non-security staff members here as early as 5 am and stay far past closing. I also see security patrolling while everyone is sleeping soundly. Roadhaven’s staff truly spread their wings and go above and beyond to keep things soaring smoothly! Those early birds and night owls deserve a round of applause for their dedication and tireless efforts. Let’s all take a moment to chirp our appreciation for their hard work and commitment to making Roadhaven the best nest for all who visit. – Roadie.

Dear Holding - Dog Park Smell

Dear Roadie,
Regarding the dog park smell, what research was done before purchasing the turf for the large dog park? How many resorts that use the turf were consulted?

Sincerely, Holding my breath!
Dear Holding –

Roadhaven visited pet parks in other resorts and consulted with each company that placed a bid on the project, it’s clear that while some resorts have successfully maintained pleasant turf conditions, we’re encountering challenges. These challenges stem from water drainage, resident upkeep, including rinsing the turf after pet use, sun exposure, and the volume of pets utilizing the area.
Roadhaven is actively seeking a suitable, pet-friendly product to treat the turf and has contracted a company to deep clean it. However, residents have to do their part!

Residents, and their guests, are required to use the provided water hose to rinse down areas pets have used (whether they go “number 1” or “number 2”). We can manage the smell if everyone does their part to remove their pet’s potty fluids and stinky debris.

Please remember to turn off the tap after use. By taking responsibility for our pets’ impact on the park, we can collectively contribute to its cleanliness and enjoyment for all. – Roadie.

Dear Irritated - Roadhaven Lot Purchases

Dear Roadie,
I just found out that Roadhaven purchased two lots!! Why wouldn’t they tell us this and why are they being so secretive about the cost? I think they need to be transparent and not hide this information from us.

Sincerely, Irritated


Dear Irritated – Your frustration regarding a lack of transparency concerning the purchase of two lots by Roadhaven is completely understandable. Transparency is the cornerstone of trust, especially in a community like ours. Let’s unravel this situation together. 

First, lets go over the ways residents were informed about the lot purchases and prices:

Nov. 14, 2023: Working Session Minutes
New Business
-IV. Land Acquisition as Unanimous Consent Form signed by the Board of Directors lot 1207.

Nov. 21, 2023: Open Board Meeting Minutes
New Business
-IV. Land Acquisition
-Purchase of lot 1208 S Zuni for future planning and development through land acquisition fund

Dec. 15, 2023: Roadhaven Resident (Friday) Newsletter
Rumor Vs Fact -You might have heard: Roadhaven Resort purchased two lots near Phase I and will use them to expand the nearby sport courts.
Verdict – HALF TRUE! – We have purchased lots 1207 and 1208 ZUNI near the Phase I sport courts for future development. However, there are no plans for them yet. Our Work Campers will likely utilize these lots in the interim.

Dec. 19, 2023: Open Board Meeting Minutes
Rumor vs Fact -Rumor #2 we have purchased two lots and that’s where the new pickleball courts will be built. This is partially true. They are purchased for future development and no plans likely used for work campers in the interim.

It’s plausible that amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, you might have missed the occasions when this information was disclosed during HOA meetings or in the Resident Newsletter. The acquisition of lots 1207 and 1208 Zuni was indeed discussed in various meetings and newsletters I’ve listed and the cost was discussed at the meetings below.

Mar. 19, 2024: Annual HOA Meeting Minutes
Administrative Report
Rumor vs Fact -Roadhaven did indeed purchase 2 lots for future use
Open Forum -What was the cost of the two lots? $109,000 and $117,000.

Mar. 26, 2024: Open Board Meeting Minutes
New Business
VIII. Purchased Lots
-Conceptual idea: Multi use kitchen/ restrooms with garden wall and soundproofing.
-Sports Club usage and residential use for block parties, Happy Hours
-Currently in flood zones, city requested the move to avoid FEMA.
-Possible to start planning next season, building the year after.
-Suggestions are welcomed at our meetings.
-In the meantime, the purchased lots will be utilized by our work campers.

As mentioned above, The purchase prices for these lots were $109,000 and $117,000 – publicly discussed at the Mar. 19, 2024 meeting. 

I don’t think you have anything to worry about – but I do suggest reading your emails with intention, don’t skim them, and attend the HOA meetings. 

Remember, the Board of Directors is composed of your fellow homeowners, diligently working to make well-informed decisions for the community’s benefit. Your feedback and questions are always welcome and appreciated in our ongoing efforts to foster a thriving and transparent community.

Dear Inquiring - Water Meter

Dear Roadie,
My question pertains to the water leaking. Who put the (new) water meter in? When was it installed? Could you not tell that it was running at full speed? All of my water meters have shown usage when they are running. Did this one not show usage?

Sincerely, Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Dear Inquiring –
Water usage falls under the jurisdiction of two water companies: Arizona Water Company and Apache Junction Water District, each servicing different sections of the resort. The particular meter in question belongs to the Apache Junction Water District, and they were responsible for its installation on 03/27/24.

Monthly readings of the meters are conducted by the respective water companies, and any usage data is reflected in the bills they issue.

Upon noticing a significant increase in water usage, indicating a possible leak, Roadhaven initiated an investigation, and volunteers and staff canvassed the affected area going door-to-door.

Once there is a known cause, Roadhaven will be sure to let residents know so be sure to READ your Resident Newsletter emails when you receive them.

Stay hydrated! – Roadie.

Dear Permitting - Trailer Parking

Dear Roadie,

This question is in reference to C C & R 3.1A Permitted Uses and Restrictions – All Property.

Can you clarify the section that addresses “Parking” and specifically parking and storing trailers and what trailers can specifically remain on a persons lot for an entire season. What differentiates whether a two wheel trailer with a wooden box on it can be parked in the resort for the entire season or parking an ATV/UTV trailer that is not allowed to be parked more than 24 hours in the resort. I thought a trailer was a trailer and that no trailers were allowed to be parked in the resort without a 24 hour permit from security. Does security give out permits for seasonal parking? If seasonal parking permits for trailers are given out then sign me up!

Sincerely, Permitting

Dear Permitting –
Thank you for your question regarding the regulations on parking and storing trailers within our community.

According to the last line of CC&R 3.1A “Boats, trailers, or any other conveyance shall not be permitted or parked on any lot.” 

Additionally, Rules & Regulations Section V: General C.2.f specifies, “Utility trailers, boat trailers, motorcycle trailers, etc., are not permitted to be stored on the owner’s or renter’s lot. Refer to CC&R, Article 3, Section 3.2.B, Restricted Uses; and Section 3.1.A, Parking. VIOLATION PENALTY: CAT3, LESS SERIOUS OFFENSES, COMPLY 24 HRS”

This means that all types of trailers, including those with a wooden box or ATV/UTV trailers, are not allowed to be parked on a lot for more than 24 hours without a permit. Security does not issue permits for seasonal parking. Instead, residents can obtain a 48-hour permit strictly for loading or unloading purposes.

Occasionally, a resident might park a trailer on their lot without authorization. Still, Roadhaven has processes in place to identify and address these situations to ensure compliance with our community’s rules.

No seasonal parking permits are available for trailers. If you need to load or unload a trailer, please contact security for a 48-hour permit.

I hope this clarifies the trailer parking and storage regulations within Roadhaven Resort.

Dear Thirsty - Soda Machine

Dear Roadie,
What do you think about  a pop machine where you can buy a ice COLD coke say $2.00 ,Roadhaven would make money  on it put it by the pool where it used  to be.Cost you about 35 cents a can Not sure what the machine would cost maybe $10,000.

Sincerely, These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty


Dear Thirsty –

Roadhaven has looked at this many times over the years.
To test the viability and profitability of Roadhaven owning a vending machine, they have leased 3 different soda machines over 14 years. Roadhaven leased one at a time and placed the machine just outside the Phase I pool. All three vending companies removed the machines due to minimal use.

Using your figures, Roadhaven would have to sell over 6,000 cans of soda before they came close to breaking even on the machine and all the soda. This would likely not cover maintenance and electricity.

Since Roadhaven allows coolers and cans around and near the pool, it is likely that the vending machines never caught on because residents are so used to toting their own around. Stay hydrated! – Roadie.

Dear Tinted - Pool Deck Discoloration

Dear Roadie,
Is anything going to be done with the discoloration of the pool deck surface at the Phase 1 pool complex this summer? It’s very unsightly.

Is the indoor spa going to get a new coat of paint on the spa’s walls also? The discoloration on the blue walls has an orange tint to it.
I have heard comments from Hospitality that people taking tours of the park are not impressed with the conditions of our pool and spa area.

Sincerely, Tinted

Dear Tinted –
I know exactly what you are talking about. And the short answer is yes. But you know me, I like to share all the details! Discoloration on the pool deck occurs due to hard water in Arizona, which traps lotions, oils, and dirt from unrinsed bodies. To mitigate this, residents are advised to rinse off before using the pool. We’ve made rinsing convenient by providing indoor and outdoor showers at both pools. Unfortunately, these showers are not being used adequately for pre-pool rinsing. Roadhaven addresses this issue every summer by power washing and reapplying Koolflex to heavily used areas to clean and conceal the unattractive discoloration.
The Therapy Pool (you referred to this as the indoor spa) also experiences discoloration caused by lotions, oils, and dirt from unrinsed bodies. This summer, it is scheduled for a thorough acid wash cleaning to address the discoloration, and the walls will receive a fresh coat of paint.
Residents can contribute to maintaining pool and deck cleanliness by rinsing before entering the pools and spas and by avoiding introducing lotions and oils into the water. The requirement of rinsing before entering is also posted on the pool signs.
Roadhaven even published an article about rinsing before showering last season. You can read it here:
Time for me to hit the birdbath! – Roadie.

Dear Wading - Water Leak

Dear Roadie,
Is it true they found the big water leak it was the meter? If so, I hope Roadhaven gets a credit on the water.

Sincerely, Wading

Dear Wading –
The water leak sure has been a head-scratcher! I was hoping to find some good worms because of it but I’m still searching.

As of this writing, May 03, 2024, there is no source of the water leak yet. The meter in question was replaced and Roadhaven will have to wait for their next bill to assess usage with the new meter. They’ve promised to keep residents updated as they learn more so be sure to read your Newsletters (email).

Here are some notes I scratched down for you – The meter was replaced on March 27, 2024; Roadhaven’s billing cycle for March ended on March 29, 2024, so Roadhaven wasn’t able to tell if the new meter solved the problem with the April bill. They won’t know if it was the meter until we receive the May bill. I hope this information helps keep you afloat until Roadhaven gets that bill.

Stay dry! – Roadie.

Dear Worked Up - Workampers

Dear Roadie,
Why is Roadhaven using work campers? Our understanding is the work campers do not pay fees, what do they do and how/ who are they related to Roadhaven? Is this a position that could be used by a resident if they signed up to work campers? Rather than bringing in work campers why aren’t residents given the opportunity to apply based on their skills?

Sincerely, Worked Up

Dear Worked Up – Workampers are integral members of the nationally recognized Workamper program that Roadhaven has proudly collaborated with for over seven years. And let me tell you, we’ve had some truly exceptional individuals among them! There are moments when I find myself getting emotional thinking about those who’ve left their mark here but feel compelled to venture back onto the open road after a few seasons.

Allow me to elaborate further. Workampers are RV enthusiasts who traverse the country, offering their skills and expertise wherever they’re needed. When the time comes for them to move on, they simply pack up their RV and embark on the next adventure awaiting them. Let me better explain. Workampers are RVers who travel and work where they are needed. When they are ready to move on, they pack up their RV and hit the road to the next gig they are qualified for.

For example, Steve in the Mailroom and Vicki in the Activities Office were with us for a few seasons and were incredible assets to our administration and residents. We had to say goodbye to them at the end of this season because they live a life based on travel. Jim, who does all the A/V work at Roadhaven is also a Workamper. His schedule is demanding, he works full-time and is on-call. From Church service to late-night dances, Jim is there and helping produce a great event. Susan in the Main Office, is an incredible help whose knowledge, skillset, and overall presence will be missed when she and her husband hit the road again. 

If you were to register with Workampers you likely would not be hired at Roadhaven. That’s not exactly how the Workamper program works. Workampers upload their resume, define their skills, and open themselves to countless possibilities, not all of which are in 55+ communities. 

You’re right, Workampers do not pay HOA fees because they are not owners at Roadhaven. Workampers are RVers who work in different states seasonally, sometimes for years at a time but not permanently. Because some Workampers work part-time, full-time, and in Jim’s case, all the time, with a specialized skill set.

If you’re a resident with a special skillset please consider volunteering at Roadhaven.

Below are some of the times and places Roadhaven mentioned Workampers this last season and the role they serve at Roadhaven.
Dec. 15, 2023, Roadhaven Weekly Newsletter 
Jan. 16, 2024, Open Board Meeting Minutes (View in your HOA Portal)

For more information on the Workamper program, go to –

I bet you know or have been helped by a Workamper at Roadhaven or benefited from their time and expertise. The next time you see one, give them a BIG “Thank you”! They do a lot for us and they are only here for a short amount of time in the long run.

– Roadie.


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Dear Ann - Roadhaven Friends and Family Group

Dear Roadie,
Why doesn’t the staff speak up in the Roadhaven Friends and Family group on Facebook?

Sincerely, Ann Observation
Dear Ann –
The Facebook group, “Roadhaven Friends and Family” is not managed or monitored by Roadhaven Resort. This group was created by a couple of residents who used “Roadhaven” in the group title.

To help reduce the number of rumors and misinformation circulating, Roadhaven has established an official Facebook group, web page, and newsletter segment called, “Dear Roadie”. Dear Roadie is similar to the widely syndicated U.S. column, Dear Abby series that ran in newspapers.

Residents can write Dear Roadie letters and expect a no-nonsense response filled with facts and reliable sources. Roadie is dedicated to providing accurate and transparent responses.

Dear Roadie answers come from trustworthy sources such as Resort management, Staff, Board members, and other residents who can provide facts. Answers are often backed by Board Meeting Minutes, Bylaws, CC&Rs, and other sources cited within the answer.

If you are a current property owner at Roadhaven, be sure to join the Dear Roadie group (link below).

If you are a renter or would like to submit a question anonymously, you can use the Dear Roadie letter submission form on my web page.

You don’t have to be a member of the Facebook group to read my responses. You can also find those on my web page,

See ya there! – Roadie.

Dear Disconnect - Wi-Fi Hotspots and Coverage

Dear Roadie,
The Wi-Fi does not work well in the resort. If I leave Roadhaven, even a quarter mile away, my phone gets 3 to 4 “bars”. Talking to a couple of others in the park and they have the same trouble.

Sincerely, Disconnected

Dear Disconnected –
Firstly, the strength of the Wi-Fi signal can indeed vary depending on your location within the resort and proximity to the hotspot. I should know, I’ve hung out on my share of wires and antennas.
Factors such as distance from the access points, obstacles like walls or trees, and interference from other electronic devices can all affect the signal strength, and this is true for any Wi-Fi connection, not just at Roadhaven.
Here’s an important bit of information: The Wi-Fi hotspots are intended for use in the designated area, not outside of them. For example, the Courtyard Wi-Fi is meant to be used while in the Courtyard, and so on. Each hotspot is named for the area it is supposed to be used in. Once you leave that area or walk further away from the access point, the connection will weaken and then disconnect.
Roadhaven’s IT manager has implemented measures to optimize coverage within the hotspot areas to ensure a reliable internet experience for our residents and their guests.
I am a little confused. You say the Wi-Fi doesn’t work well in the resort but you are still connected when you leave the resort? If that is the case, this tells us how STRONG the Wi-Fi connection is or that you might be confusing your cell service strength for a Wi-Fi signal.
You might also notice that at certain times of the day or season, the Wi-Fi is faster or slower. This is because the data bottlenecks when there are more users. If 50 people are connected to the Courtyard Wi-Fi it’s going to run a lot slower than if it were just you and five other people using it.
Wi-Fi hotspot coverage is intentionally limited to specific areas within the resort to ensure efficient utilization of resources and to maintain security. This is also why Roadhaven employs multiple Wi-Fi hotspots strategically placed throughout the resort to provide coverage to various areas such as common areas and some recreational spaces. The free Wi-Fi hotspots are an amenity meant to be used briefly and not used as a connection outside of the designated area (like inside your home, RV, or a quarter mile away).
Residents need to have their own hardware and internet service to enjoy Wi-Fi coverage in their homes or RV. A list of internet service providers that offer service at Roadhaven can be found below.

For short-term residents who do not want to subscribe to an internet service, I would recommend a personal hotspot which is a personal router that connects to the internet and then gives you a Wi-Fi signal you can connect to. Most cell services offer them for less than $10 a month and a lot of smartphones can work as a personal hotspot too if you need to jump on your laptop and do some quick work in an area that does not have Wi-Fi.

I hope that helps you better understand the Wi-Fi system in general and reminds you to be mindful of your placement and purposes when using it. To see where all the Wi-Fi hotspots are, visit the Resort Maps web page (

Here is the list of internet service providers available to Roadhaven residents:
Century Link (Rep: Adam Merenda): 480-750-9834
Mediacom: 1-800-479-2082
Phoenix Internet: (602) 234-0917

Thanks for connecting with me! – Roadie.

Dear Roadie,
Where can I find the link to your page on the Roadhaven website?

Sincerely, Looking

Dear Looking – You can find the link to my page on the Resident Pages page of under MY ROADHAVEN in the Mobile/Tablet or Desktop/Laptop menus. You can also find it in the footer menu of the website under RESIDENTS. The footer menu is available at the bottom of every page.
You can also use this direct link to get to my page:

If you’re a current resident at Roadhaven, you can click here to join my Facebook Group!

See you there! – Roadie.


Dear Assuming - Metal Address Signs

Dear Roadie,
Why were all the address signs at the machine shop thrown out? It seems like a horrible waste of money. When we moved in we took ours to a local sign guy that sandblasted, painted & lettered for 25 bucks. The man who did ours used to do all the Roadhaven signs who is doing the signs now?

Sincerely, Assuming


Dear Assuming – Trust me, I hate waste – of any kind, even though half of my nest is made up of things people throw away, or forget to throw away. Anyway, I have a bird’s eye view and these signs did not get tossed out.

The older signs are just that – old! They did not get tossed out as confirmed by Jim in Maintenance. However, it would be too costly to repair the older signs. They are two pieces of metal that would need to be welded and it would take a considerable amount of time to clean them up and make them presentable.

If you’d like a newer sign, you can get one for $50 using this form. And, if you’d like them customized for $25, contact our local sign guy –  Jim Rohde. He’s a resident at Roadhaven and you can reach him directly. Here’s his phone number: (262) 697-9222.

– Roadie.

Dear Curious - Committee Compensation

Dear Roadie,
Do committee leaders get any compensation?
Sincerely, Curious.

Dear Curious – 
Committee leaders, or their members, do not receive any compensation. Committees are comprised of dedicated residents who volunteer their time, experience, and skills. While Committee members and leaders work closely with Roadhaven management, the management team is not a part of any Committee.

Fly with the flock! If your skills or prior work experience can contribute to a specific Committee, please apply. Go to the Committees page (Website navigation: MY ROADHAVEN>>RESIDENT PAGES>>COMMITTEES). Applications are on the Committees page under General Information (towards the bottom of the page).

Remember, since we are in the off-season, interviews by Committee Chairs and Board liaisons will not take place until November 2024.

If joining a Committee does not interest you, but you still want to be involved, check out the Volunteer opportunities here: For more on Committees please read the Governing Documents: Bylaws, Article 5. – Roadie.

Dear Intrigued - Who is Roadie?

Dear Roadie,
Who are you?
Sincerely, Intrigued

 Dear Intrigued-
I’ve been a resident of Roadhaven since 1981, and it’s truly become my home. You might catch a glimpse of my shadow when I am perched on a cactus or in the Bell Tower. Roadhaven, with its iconic Phoenix logo, has been my sanctuary through thick and thin.

Much like the legendary Phoenix that rises from its ashes, I’ve witnessed Roadhaven’s highs and lows over the years. I’ve attended countless Board Meetings, Town Halls, and soared over a myriad of golf cart parades.

But perhaps you’re wondering, “WHO exactly is Roadie?” Well, I’m more than just an individual — I’m a collective voice that represents the truth.

My responses to your questions are rooted in facts, drawn from various sources like Board Meeting minutes found in your HOA Portal, Roadhaven management, staff, Board members, and other residents who have factual information. I’m not aligned with any specific entity; I stand for Roadhaven as a whole, just as I always have.

If you share a commitment to truth and a love for Roadhaven, you’re also a Roadie in my book. Whether you detest gossip and value transparency or simply have the community’s best interests at heart, you’re part of this collective identity that I proudly represent.

Thanks for asking! – Roadie.


Dear Summertime - Year-round Residents

Dear Roadie,
If Roadhaven is a seasonal resort how can someone live here year-round?

Sincerely, Summertime
Dear Summertime –
Your question is quite valid. While Roadhaven operates as a seasonal resort, accommodating residents year-round is indeed possible. The term “seasonal resort” primarily pertains to the availability of amenities at different times of the year and doesn’t restrict residents from residing here on a full-time basis.

Simply put, Roadhaven has limited amenities and hours during the summer months, as outlined in Roadhaven’s CC&Rs 3.2.F under “Seasonal Resort Hours.”

You can find the CC&Rs on the Board web page ( or in your HOA Portal (

Stay cool!  – Roadie

Dear Orange - Carriage Manor

Dear Roadie,
I have been seeing some comparisons online between Carriage Manor and Roadhaven, specifically, their HOA fees versus Roadhaven. Can you offer any clarity? I feel like we aren’t comparing apples to apples here.

Sincerely, Orange


Dear Orange – I’m orange too! You’re right, while both places have amenities, they certainly are different. Kinda like comparing apples to…oranges. Luckily, I swooped by and saw Roadhaven’s Board just sent out this email this evening, subject line: CARRIAGE MANOR HOA COMPARISON. It’s a fair and realistic comparison chart of both places. As you can see, both have similarities but are two very different places with different needs and offerings. Take a look for yourself! Read their email by clicking here.


Dear Outgoing - Summer Coffee and Donuts

Dear Roadie,
Will we still be having Coffee and Donuts on Tuesdays in the Dakota room now that we are into our summer season?

Sincerely, Outgoing

Dear Outgoing –
Thanks for asking!
The summer Coffee and Donuts Social will return on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in the Dakota Room at 7:30AM.

This will happen every Tuesday throughout the summer and is open to all residents.

Oh, and don’t worry about the crumbs, those are my favorite.

Cheers! – Roadie.

Dear Wondering - Roadhaven Sued | Dog Park Smell

Dear Roadie,
Was Roadhaven sued last year over wages? I’ve heard the amounts of $20-$30,000 it was about back wages. Can you verify if it was with an employee contractor or under the table help? This has been floating around for a while and I just want to get verification on this. If this is true. When did the board let the residents know this payout took place?

I read in this week’s letter that we now have a contractor taking care of that big dog park. This was supposed to be a maintenance-free item, so what is this contractor charging us to get rid of the smell? is the park considering raising the pet fees to offset the cost of what we’re paying for the improvements to the dog parks?

Sincerely, Wondering

Dear Wondering –
I wish I could give you a straight answer here but Arizona State Law prohibits discussion regarding anything that has to do with employee compensation or legal issues. Roadhaven is bound by state law and could be sued if they disclose details about employee compensation or legal issues. I know this isn’t the answer you want but this is beyond Roadhaven’s authority. However, I can say Roadhaven doesn’t pay anyone “under the table”.

Moving on, let’s be sure to only share things we know to be facts.

Now, about the Dog Park. First, thank you for reading your Resident Newsletter. Everyone has to do their part to stay informed and you’re doing it! The contractor you read about was hired to work on the smell, they will not be on contract with Roadhaven indefinitely. The Dog Owners Club decides whether or not club fees are increased. Roadhaven will not increase Pet Registration fees. Yay!! – Roadie.


Meet Roadie. Roadie is the fiery Phoenix that has represented Roadhaven for over 40 years. Lately, Roadie has been flying around collecting your comments and suggestions and would like to help clear up some rumors, misunderstandings, and misinformation in a new segment called “Dear, Roadie”. Use the form below to submit a letter to Roadie.

Do you have a burning question?
Use the Dear Roadie form to send your Dear Roadie letter.

Please note – your name will not be published but we do ask you to verify that you are a resident by providing your name and street number. 

Your letter may get combined with another letter concerning the same topic. However, the questions will not be edited. Residents letters will not be edited for spelling or grammar.

1) Please stick to one topic per letter for optimal readability.

2) If you write about multiple topics, only the first topic will be answered.

3) This isn’t a complaint department or the place for rants, please ask a clear question. 
Stick to 1-3 (max) questions on the same topic. 

4) Only one letter per resident, per calendar week. 

5) Please read existing letters and do not repeat the same questions that have already been asked and answered. 

Due to Dear Roadie’s soaring popularity, your letter may take a little while to take flight. Please check back regularly for my response.

Thank you for your patience!