🍗 The holidays are upon us and we invite everyone to join our celebrations, such as the Thanksgiving Potluck on November 28. If interested, check on the flyer on the activities page or in the shadow box outside of the Rec Hall. More information about holiday activities will be in future “Activities at a Glance” Newsletters every Monday.
Roadhaven offices will be closed Thursday and Friday (November 28 and 29) for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will also be closed Wednesday, December 25, and Wednesday, January 01, 2025. Remember, during any holiday closures, contractors will not be permitted. We need staff available while contractors are on property.
🪧 Reminder: All political signs should have been removed by November 20, 2024. If you still have any political signs on your property, please remove them as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
🗞️ We will not be publishing a Friday Newsletter next week, November 29. Enjoy your holiday!

Food Truck
Enjoy food trucks 5 days at week at Roadhaven!
Starting December 3, 2024, Handlebar Pub & Grill will have a food truck stationed in the Aztec building parking lot, across from the Golf Pro Shop, every week, Tuesdays through Fridays from 11am to 4pm.
On Mondays, food trucks will continue to be available from 4pm to 7pm in the Shuffleboard/Tennis Parking lot. Visit the Activities page to see which food truck is scheduled each Monday.
In November, we celebrate the one year anniversaries of Jennifer Shepard in housekeeping and our CFO,
Roger Sanchez, Thank you for dedicating this last year to our community. 🥳
Safety & Security
We care about everyone’s safety and ask for your help. We can all do something to keep our community secure:
- Wear your photo name badge.
This is required at Roadhaven, when you are outside of your home or RV, allowing you to enjoy our amenities and letting Security, staff, and fellow residents know you live here too. In an emergency, your name badge can also identify you.
- Wear reflective clothing or carry a flashlight at night.
This is highly encouraged, so everyone stays visible.
- Observe safe riding and driving practices.
These reminders help us stay both courteous and safe. Whether riding your bikes or driving golf carts and vehicles, slow down and obey general traffic rules. Turn on headlights at dusk so everyone can see you.
- Register your guest and make sure they wear their wristbands.
This is required for anyone staying overnight at our resort. Guests must wear their wristbands at all times at Roadhaven when outside your residence.
- Register your guests prior to their arrival.
We love having your families and friends experience Roadhaven with you! However, we need you to submit this form at least 48 hours before they get here, or by Thursday if they arrive without notice or during the weekend. If the Main Office is closed, they must obtain an orange wristband from Security. Once the Main Office reopens, they can come in for a blue wristband.
Rental Reminders
If you have secured renters, provide them with the following documents to help them prepare for their arrival. You must submit forms to us within 24 hours.
At least 24 hours before leaving or returning, we ask homeowners to let us know through this check in/check out form. Completing this form signals us to activate gate fobs and open mailboxes.
Manage your Rental and Sales listings! Many real estate listings are now outdated. If you are renting or selling, we need you to update your listings in a timely manner. For editing or removal assistance, you can email Sarah Lindsay (
Golf Updates
It is mandatory for residents to use the honor system when the Golf Shop is closed. Slips of paper are available outside the east side of the Golf Shop and must be completed if golfing after hours. Roadhaven is required to report the number of rounds played on our course each year.
Please note: The Golf Course will be reserved on Thanksgiving morning for the Men’s League. Open golf will begin at noon, and no tee times will be taken for the afternoon. The Golf Course office will be closed.
Click on the box above to go to the Golf page.
Connect with Dear Roadie
If you are a renter, you can still view all of my letters on my web page.
From the Main Office
If you email our Main Office for printing, it may take us up to 24 hours to process your requests. If you need to print sooner, you can visit the Main Office where you can use our computer and printer at 15 cents per page. You can also join the Computer Club who provides members with access to printers, scanners, and classes for $20 for the season.
If your renter has canceled their Roadhaven stay, please notify the Main Office so we can update your records.
Visit the Main Office page if the following apply to you:
- You are arriving after hours.
- You will have your gate fob with you.
- You want to check-in online.
- You are renting your property.
- You lost an item.
Click on the box above to go to the Main Office page.
Important Links
Please click on the links below for important forms and information.
That’s it for this week’s Resident Newsletter. Remember, use the RESIDENT PAGES page to navigate our website and check your email on Monday for our Activities at a Glance Newsletter. Have a wonderful holiday! 😊
Remember: Resident Newsletters will be housed on the Resident News page this season.
Keep reading
Did you know Roadhaven has dozens of articles for you to read? From Featured Articles, to Recipes, and Support Articles – they’re all here! So take a look and see what you discover in Roadhaven’s Articles.

03/17/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Enjoy two Live Music on the Patio events this week, play cornhole Read More

Resident Newsletter – Mar. 14, 2025
Don’t miss your last chance to vote - election results will be Read More

Living with Wildlife: Desert Rats
Learn how to manage desert rats in Apache Junction responsibly! Learn about Read More

03/10/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Purchase your tickets for this week's dessert social, sign up for the Read More

Resident Newsletter – Mar. 07, 2025
Join us for our final marketplace event and be sure to vote!

03/03/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Join the Mardi Gras Parade, sign up for the Cornhole Tournament, and Read More

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 28, 2025
Update your listings, dispose of trash properly, and join our next Town Read More

02/24/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Support our Scholarship Fund, register for the Golf Tournament, and see select Read More

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 21, 2025
Try a soaker hat, get quorum info, and learn about IT audits!

02/17/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Support our Club fundraisers, watch concerts, and attend informational presentations!

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 14, 2025
Read all about our official ballot box, maintenance updates, Town Hall Q&A, Read More

02/10/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
There’s lots to love this week, from a Fundraiser Fashion Show to Read More