Roadhaven’s New General Manager
In case you missed this month’s Board Meeting and the email blast sent out, the Board announced that Trish Hoagland has been officially promoted to General Manager of the Roadhaven community. After a thorough evaluation of her exceptional leadership, experience, and overwhelming support from residents and staff, the Board unanimously decided that a formal hiring process was unnecessary and would waste time, money, and resources. Trish’s proven dedication and innovative approach ensure a bright future for Roadhaven as she leads us into an exciting new chapter—please join us in congratulating her on this well-deserved achievement!
Handlebar Food Truck informed us that yesterday, Jan. 23, was their last day at Roadhaven.
They will not be returning this season due to lack of sales and participation.
The winter cold and flu are spreading faster than rumors at Roadhaven, so please stay home if you feel sick. Remember to wash your hands often and cover your mouth when you cough. This is affecting everyone in Roadhaven, residents and staff alike.
If you need help or have questions, please call the office or use the online forms instead of visiting in person to avoid spreading germs.
Mon.- Fri.: 8am – 3pm
Phone: (480) 982-4811
Mon.- Fri. 8:30am – 1:30pm
Phone: (480) 671-4659
For a list of Roadhaven Contacts, visit the Hours and Contacts page.
For most online forms, go to the forms page.
To update your Club’s or Group’s section on the Club’s page, please use this form.
Purchase Concert Tickets: On the Activities Page.
Take care of yourself by drinking plenty of water, getting rest, and staying home if you have any cold or flu symptoms.
Candidates Forum
Meet the candidates running for the Board of Directors and come ready with your questions to ask the candidates at the Candidate Forum.
Tuesday, Jan 28, 7PM Rec Hall
Meeting ID: 963 662 6197
Passcode: Rh2k23
Read candidate bios, by visiting the Board’s page.
The last day to sign up for electronic voting is January 31 at 3 PM. If you already signed up before, you don’t need to do it again. If you’re not sure whether you’re signed up for electronic or paper voting, please call the Main Office or email
Encore! Learning Session with Roger Schulz
Did you miss the first Finance Learning Session with homeowner Roger Schulz? Good news—he’s back by popular demand! Join us for a repeat session on Thursday, January 30, at 1 PM in the Rec Hall. Learn how HOA assessments are calculated and get a better understanding of Roadhaven’s financial statements. This is an in-person event, so there won’t be a Zoom option.
We need Volunteer Golf Marshals! Volunteers can be singles or couples. If interested, provide our Golf Pro Shop personnel with your name and phone number.
Our golf course continues to get busier, and we’re expecting even more golfers returning this new year. We’d like to remind you that tee-times should be scheduled in advance through the Golf Shop Office, either in person, or by phone at 480-982-4653. If you wish to golf 18 holes, please mention that when making your tee-time.
Also, when booking a tee-time, please provide names for all golfers who will be playing. If only 1 or 2 names are provided, the Shop may add more golfers to fill out the group. If you wish to add more golfers later, please advise the Golf Shop prior to arrival to avoid overbooking.
On occasion we will have open spots available. You can try just dropping in, but we don’t want you to leave disappointed if we can’t accommodate you.
We request that you arrive at the Clubhouse at least 10 minutes prior to your tee-time, and check in with the Golf Shop Office staff prior to teeing off. We reserve the right to juggle the tee-sheet in order to keep the pace.
All rounds of golf must begin on Hole #1, and groups are limited to 4 players (with the exception of league or special event shotgun starts).
Click on the box above to go to the Golf page.
Tee times are scheduled every 7-8 minutes, with the expectation that a four-person group can play 9 holes in about an hour. Please play “ready” golf. We want you to enjoy the course, so allow others the same consideration.
Honor System: If golfing after hours, please use the honor system. There are slips for members, and payment envelopes for non-members located in the mailboxes outside the shop door. Place completed slip/envelope into the slot in the door. It’s very important that both members and non-members use the honor system. We are required to submit a total count of rounds played.
ID Badges must be worn at all times.
With the flu and cold season upon us, we would like to be mindful of spreading germs and offer alternative options to provide assistance. If you are ill, please use the in-house mailbox located next to the mailroom window for payments and forms. You can also send us an email ( if you need copies or have further questions. We enjoy helping our residents and appreciate your cooperation!
Emergencies happen, so who do we contact for you in case of one? Please provide the name and contact information of someone who is not living with you through this form at your earliest convenience.
Click on the box above to go to the Main Office page.
Visit the Main Office page if the following apply to you:
- You are arriving after hours.
- You will have your gate fob with you.
- You want to check-in online.
- You are renting your property.
- You lost an item.
Please click on the links below for important forms and information.
That’s it for this week’s Resident Newsletter. Remember, use the RESIDENT PAGES page to navigate our website and check your email on Monday for our Activities at a Glance Newsletter. Have a wonderful weekend! 😊
Remember: Resident Newsletters will be housed on the Resident News page this season.
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Did you know Roadhaven has dozens of articles for you to read? From Featured Articles, to Recipes, and Support Articles – they’re all here! So take a look and see what you discover in Roadhaven’s Articles.

03/10/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Purchase your tickets for this week's dessert social, sign up for the Read More

Resident Newsletter – Mar. 07, 2025
Join us for our final marketplace event and be sure to vote!

03/03/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Join the Mardi Gras Parade, sign up for the Cornhole Tournament, and Read More

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 28, 2025
Update your listings, dispose of trash properly, and join our next Town Read More

02/24/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Support our Scholarship Fund, register for the Golf Tournament, and see select Read More

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 21, 2025
Try a soaker hat, get quorum info, and learn about IT audits!

02/17/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Support our Club fundraisers, watch concerts, and attend informational presentations!

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 14, 2025
Read all about our official ballot box, maintenance updates, Town Hall Q&A, Read More

02/10/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
There’s lots to love this week, from a Fundraiser Fashion Show to Read More

Resident Newsletter – Feb. 07, 2025
Snippet: Be aware of a scam email, remember to submit your ballots Read More

02/03/25 – Activities at a Glance Newsletter
Get lunch from the Shuffleboard Club during the Doubles Tournament, buy customizable Read More

Resident Newsletter – Jan. 31, 2025
We provide reminders and guidelines regarding remodeling, pool use, and Board voting Read More