This week, Dear Roadie is back with new letters. Check out the latest letters below. We had an exciting Candidate Forum this week. If you missed it, you can learn more about them in the link under Candidate Bios in this newsletter.
🏘️ We appreciate our residents’ pride in home maintenance and improvement! As this time of year is busy with remodeling projects, please remember:
- Follow the permit process, the approval for which may take up to 48 hours. You can submit your permit request through this Permit Request Form in advance. Before starting any project, you must display your blue permit.
- Make sure your contractor has their Certificate of Liability (COI) on file with the Main Office. Feel free to contact the Main Office if you have any questions!
Dog Park
🐕 Thank you for doing your part in keeping our dog parks paw-some places for our pups! Please DO NOT allow your pups to use the Retention Area (pictured to the right), which is a common area, but DO continue keeping pets on leashes at all times and cleaning up after them.

Water Shutoff Safety
We highly encourage all residents and homeowners to install a check valve on water heater units. In the event that water is shut off, we will send an email notification with affected lots and expected time frames. If you are not receiving these emails, please email Sarah Lindsay at If you need a contractor, you can can view the Contractors List on the Architectural page. Roadhaven Resort is not responsible for individual water heaters.
Phase I
- Please DO NOT peel the paint on the pool decking. If you see issues with the paint, notify Maintenance.
- Please be respectful to all future provided. Unfortunately, a resident broke a bench in the Therapy Spa. We know accidents can happen, if you break an item, please let maintenance know.

Phase II
- Please DO NOT throw or add bath balms, chemicals, oils, or any impacting agents to the pools or spas. Someone threw a lavender bath bomb in our Spa, and its wrapper blocked the filter, resulting in chemical imbalance and full draining.
- The heat exchange went out in the Spa, so we ordered the necessary replacement part. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we make repairs.

We invite everyone to attend our next Town Hall on Thursday, February 6 at 7pm in the Rec Hall.
- Zoom option for first 100 participants only: Click here for Zoom Room Link
- Meeting ID: 963 662 6197
- Passcode: Rh2k23
Please note: Those commenting through Zoom must provide their name and lot number, just like in person.
Election Ballots
Registration to vote online or on paper for the upcoming Board Member election is now closed! We will send all ballots on Friday, February 07. To those who signed up for electronic voting, you will receive an email with the subject “2025 Board of Directors Election” at 9am that same day. Check the primary email account used for your unit and your spam or junk folders if you do not see it in your inbox. We must receive all ballots no later than Monday, March 17, 3pm – NO EXCEPTIONS. If mailing paper ballots, please mail with enough time for shipping and processing.
Candidate Bios
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Candidate Forum this week. If you missed it, you can read the Candidates’ Bios on the Board page.

I was wondering that since “WE” are all owners of the personal property at Roadhaven. When there is an item that is being replaced, such as a golf cart, wouldn’t it be fair to offer all residents the chance to purchase it?
Dear Bidding,
Great question! However, it’s important to clarify that Roadhaven residents are not collective owners of operational assets. While property owners own their individual land, administrative tools, golf carts, maintenance vehicles, and similar items are owned by Roadhaven itself— the residents are not shareholders. Additionally, Roadhaven purchases its used golf carts, and by the time they are replaced, they are typically well-worn and no longer in good condition. To act in good faith, Roadhaven chooses not to auction these off to residents.
Dear Roadie….I have a suggestion. I think we need a board member that lives in Roadhaven year round.Is this something that is possible?
Dear Suggesting,
Yes, of course, that is possible. If you know someone who lives at Roadhaven year-round and would make a strong candidate, encourage them to run for the Board. There is no rule preventing year-round residents from running—it just happens that they typically don’t run.
We are looking for a company to insure our park model. Do you have a recommendation that you could provide? Also, could I get a list of residents in the park that do house cleaning?
Dear Working,
Wow! It sounds like you’re getting everything in order—good for you!
Roadhaven has a Contractor List available on the Architectural page of our website, which may be helpful. For home insurance providers, be sure to check the printed directory, as there is a listing there. Additionally, keep an eye on event flyers, explore the vendors who sponsor our weekly newsletters, and consider attending Tuesday’s Coffee Talk, where two new vendors are typically featured each week. If you’d like to know specifically who, living at Roadhaven, provides services, you can ask your neighbors or post on your Roadhaven timeline.
It’s said that Roadhaven must report the number of rounds played on the golf course. Who is this report submitted to? Do all golf courses have to do the same reporting?
A. Notherround
Dear A. Notherround,
Yes, they do. Like other courses, to keep our golf course status, Roadhaven must report every round played to the state of Arizona. Here’s the law for you: A.R.S. §42-13152 requires golf course owners or managers to provide information regarding the number of actual rounds of golf played each month during the most recent 12 months ending July 31. Actual rounds include all paid, complimentary and discounted rounds played by members, non-member or the general public. This information will be used to calculate economic obsolescence for property tax purposes. So be sure to use the honor system and fill out the slips by the door when the Pro Shop is closed.
I’ll be watching!
Honor System: If golfing after hours, please use the honor system. There are slips for members, and payment envelopes for non-members located in the mailboxes outside the shop door. Place completed slip/envelope into the slot in the door. It’s very important that both members and non-members use the honor system. We are required to submit a total count of rounds played.
ID Badges must be worn at all times.
With the flu and cold season upon us, we would like to be mindful of spreading germs and offer alternative options to provide assistance. If you are ill, please use the in-house mailbox located next to the mailroom window for payments and forms. You can also send us an email at if you need copies or have further questions. We enjoy helping our residents and appreciate your cooperation!
Emergencies happen, so who do we contact for you in case of one? Please provide the name and contact information of someone who is not living with you through this form at your earliest convenience.
Click on the box above to go to the Main Office page.
Please click on the links below for important forms and information.
That’s it for this week’s Resident Newsletter. While the weather is cool, it is still important to stay hydrated, and mindful of the desert critters and creatures that live near us. Have a wonderful weekend!
Remember to use the RESIDENT PAGES to navigate our website and check your email on Monday for our Activities at a Glance Newsletter. Resident Newsletters will be housed on the Resident News page this season.
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Did you know Roadhaven has dozens of articles for you to read? From Featured Articles, to Recipes, and Support Articles – they’re all here! So take a look and see what you discover in Roadhaven’s Articles.

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