Roadhaven Resort has dozens of Clubs and Groups for our active adult residents to experience and enjoy. With so many Clubs and Groups, there is always something fun to learn and share with each other. Click on a Club OR Group for more information or to view their latest announcements.
Click to view each Group’s information and latest announcements.
Wed., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 – 8:30 am
Cost is $1.00 per week plus $1.00 for the season for the “Hole in One” pot. Sign-up sheet is in the Golf Shop hallway. Please sign up by 12:00 noon the Saturday before.
Cayman Golf will be played every Monday starting with the first tee time at 9:00 a.m. Tee times will be assigned by Sunday afternoon. We play a 4-person mixed scramble. Each golfer must use their tee shot on 2 holes, excluding hole #4. Hole #4 everyone will hit from the drop zone across the lake. It is a good way to meet new people. If you are interested or have questions, please call the Golf Shop, 480-982-4653.
Cayman offers an exciting new approach to the game of golf! The Cayman is a golf ball developed to play like a conventional golf ball in every way except to travel approximately half the distance. Also the Cayman ball floats on water hazards. The Cayman rewards the player for a well hit ball.
This is a non-denominational group that meets at 7 pm, the second and fourth Monday nights of January, February, and March, in The Dakota Room. Our program presentations are Christian based. Our goal is to provide information, fellowship, and have fun. We meet for one hour and everyone is welcome. Come and enjoy. Contact – Julia Jones 419-908-8673
MARCH 13, 2023, Monday, 7 pm
Program presented by Cindy and Lucy Lovenotes. Cindy is a Roadhaven resident. Bring a friend, beverages provided.
MARCH 27, 2023, Monday, 7 pm
Christian Motorcyclist Association
Presentation by New Life Motorcycle Club
Bring a friend – Beverages Provided
Free Line Dancing – Wednesdays, 11:30 am – Rec Hall
Advance Line Dancing – 12:30pm
All are welcome
We meet every Thursday from 9am – 12pm – Dakota Room.
Come help us turn plastic bags and plastic tablecloths into sleeping mats for the homeless.
No updates here. Check back again soon for important information.
We play on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 11am-1pm at the main Phase 1 pool.
No skill required, no cost to play. All are welcome!
The purpose of the Time Out organization is to relieve residents of Roadhaven who are giving care to a spouse or relative that is either terminally ill or undergoing temporary health problems. The “Time Out” group will relieve the caregivers who either need to run errands, purchase groceries, pick up prescriptions, or just get away for a few hours. Our primary goal is to provide support to the caregiver and to spend the necessary time with his or her spouse, friend, or relative so that the caregiver can get some personal time away from his or her duties as the primary caregiver. If interested in volunteering some time (usually 2-hour sessions) as a Time Out volunteer, or if you have any questions about Time Out, please call Bill or Jo Kramer unit 1158. Also, anyone who could use our services, please contact us.
Thursdays 10AM-11AM in the Library/Card room
For more information, contact Susan Panylyk at (587) 999-9492
Monday – Friday 7:30 – 8:30am
Phase 1 Pool (Rec Hall Pool)
Pool Aerobics class every morning 9 – 10am
Phase 1 Pool (Rec Hall Pool)
This follows the Pool Noodle Class
No updates here. Check back again soon for important information.
Morning Yoga has a time change.
Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:30 – 9:30 am – Rec Hall
All are welcome from beginner to intermediate.
View Card Group announcements and information.
Join us Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Dakota Room.
Join us Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Dakota Room.
Join us Tuesday 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Card Room. Fee is .25¢ to play.
Join us Sundays and Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Card Room.
Friday 1 pm Social Duplicate Bridge. Bring .50¢, a smile, a partner and your vaccination certificate. Don’t pass up a chance to exercise your mind and have fun.
No partner? Come early and we will try to find one for you. Haven’t played in a long time? Come and watch. It will be a refresher from you. See you at the bridge table.
Email Luci Weinman with questions.
It was a great year for the Euchre Club but, with a heavy heart, we say goodbye to Fred Vogel. He was in a car accident on his way home and is now with the Lord. He was a good man of Faith. His wife Paula was also hurt but recovering. Our prayers and thoughts are with her and the whole Vogel family. We will all miss Fred.
Join us Tuesdays & Fridays at 7:00 pm in the Green Room.
Euchre is a card game where 4 players (2 teams of 2) take turns playing cards to win tricks. Partners sit across from each other and cooperate to win. It’s an easy game to learn and a lot of FUN if you’re just learning how to play.
Everyone Welcome!
Join us Fridays at 7 pm in the Card Room.
American Mahjong in the card room on Tuesday and Thursday at 1-3pm. Beginners are welcome any time.
Join us Mondays and Saturdays at 6:00 pm in the Card Room.
Join us Sundays at 1:00 pm in the Dakota Room and Fridays at 1:00 pm in the Poker Room.
Join us Mondays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Card Room.
Join us Fridays at 7 pm in the Poker Room.
Join us Thursdays at 7:00 pm in the Poker Room.
Join us Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the Dakota Room.
To enhance your experience at Roadhaven by creating opportunities for social interaction with other residents with similar interests. Having people with similar interests on your roster will assist in
communication with members by email or through information you can have added to the website on a page dedicated to the Club. Clubs may also want to have speakers or instructors on topics of interest to benefit club members.
As a Club, you can raise money for a specific project your group would like to see to enhance the Resort experience. Clubs may apply to the Rec Council for funding support for a project that will enhance
Roadhaven. Fundraising is available either by 50/50 drawings or an event that can be shared with the entire Resort.
As a Club, the Roadhaven Accounting Office will process all your income and expense transactions and provide a set of monthly financial reports to help keep track of your club fund balance. This is a valuable service for your officers and treasurer.
Every Club has representation on the Recreation Council which provides an opportunity through monthly meetings for increased communication between members, the Board, and Management. Clubs also have priority in securing room reservations for the limited available space at Roadhaven Resort.
1. For a list of all Club duties go to the Roadhaven website, www.roadhaven.com. Hover over Residents and then click on Resident News; click on HOA Portal and login in; on left side of page, click on Documents > Committees > Recreation Council > Binder Contents. Scroll down and click to download document labeled: 02. Club Duties and Responsibilities.
2. For the “Application to Become a Club,” on left side of page, click on Documents > Club Forms. Scroll down and clock to download the forms: Form A – Club Officer Roster and Form W – Application to Become a Club.
3. You will need to create a Charter, Bylaws, and determine Initial Officers. You can check other club documents to use as reference to create your own.
4. Once you complete the Application, turn this form into the Activity Office along with your Club Officer Roster, Charter, and Bylaws. The Activity Office will present your paperwork to the Recreation Council for approval.